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social proof statistics

40+ Social Proof Statistics: 92% of Consumers Trust Reviews

Imagine this: You’re about to buy a new product online. What’s the first thing you do?

If you’re like 92% of consumers, you check the reviews. Why?

Because social proof is the silent force that shapes our decisions, even when we don’t realize it.

In this article, we’ll uncover 40+ eye-opening social proof statistics that reveal just how powerful social proof is.

Top Social Proof Statistics

1. Most people (88%) like companies that reply to their reviews

2. Almost everyone (92%) trusts what their friends say, and many (70%) trust what strangers say.

3. Most shopping (87%) starts with looking up stuff online first.

4. Nearly everyone (97%) says online reviews help them decide what to buy.

5. Sales pages sell 34% more when they have testimonials (people saying good things).

6. Over half (56%) of American social media users feel FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

7. Good reviews make people spend 31% more money.

8. Most people (83%) think reviews older than three months aren’t helpful anymore.

9. Showing customer reviews makes online shopping better, increasing purchases by 67%.

10. Products with 5 or more reviews are 270% more likely to be bought than those with no reviews.

Social proof statistics

Have you ever wondered why customers often choose your customer’s product compared to yours?

The secret is they keep an eye on Social Proof Statistics to plan their strategies.

Picture this,

It’s a warm summer afternoon, and you pre-planned before that you need to buy a new refrigerator.

You opened the Amazon and started looking for refrigerators. 

You scrolled to find the best-priced refrigerator, and your eye caught one of the search results that gave heavy discounts on their products.

You clicked on the result and started looking for more information about it.

The page was designed well, with all the information highlighted and structured properly with FAQs.

But you scrolled more and reached the review section, where people shared their experiences.

You checked the rating, which was terrible; the reviews were filled with many negative experiences.

And your eye caught one of the reviews from your known ones sharing his bad experience.

Would you buy it?

That’s the power of Social-Proof.

Whether you realize it or not, Social proof influences your customers’ buying decisions and opinions about your brand.

Let’s dive in and learn more about social proof and its power to influence your customers.

What is Social Proof?

Social Proof is an influence that makes one person copy another person’s actions because others are doing it.

It is a concept related to human psychology.

For example, if you visit the market for ice cream after dinner.

You walk down the street and watch two shops.

One of them is empty, while the other has a long queue. 

Which one will you choose?

If you’re like more people, you’ll go and stand in the queue, right?

That’s what the social proof concept is.

It creates FOMO among the users and makes them take specific actions that most people already do. 

Also see: 70+ Real Social proof Examples

Social Proof Benefits

  • Inspire Trust: Social proof provides unbiased opinions from industry experts and other customers, reassuring customers that the product/service is trustworthy.
  • Build Brand Reputation: With more social proof in case studies, reviews, and testimonials, companies are more credible than those with less social proof. 
  • Increase Site Traffic: Social proof attracts customers towards them. Promoting or sharing your testimonials, reviews, case studies, media mentions, and other social proof influences customers to visit the site. 
  • Boost Conversions: Without social proof, your website will not convert your visitors and can impact your conversions. Social proof can grow your business by increasing the chances of your conversion rate
  • Improve Brand Reputation: Social proof can develop a positive impression of your brand if your brand sells products/services to the local or international market.

Let’s look at different types of Social Proof that can benefit you and build customer trust.

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Boost Your Conversions with Social Proof Today

Types of Social Proof


Types of social proof
Types of social proof


1. Customer Reviews

People read reviews first before making any decision to purchase.

Reviews differ from other types of social proof because true customers write them more accurately and unfiltered.

2. User Generate Content

User-generated content is original, brand-specific content created by customers and published on social platforms or other channels.

It can be in any form, from videos, images, texts, or even podcasts.

3. Case Studies

Case studies in social proof help build trust among customers, creating positive outcomes that demonstrate how your brand brought results for your customers or how your product solved a problem for them. 

4. Celebrity and Influencers Endorsement

Getting your products featured or endorsed by Celebrities or top influencers is another effective social proof technique.

Celebrities and influencers can influence customers’ buying decisions. 

5. Product Badging

Product badges are stickers added to online product images that grab customers’ attention.

For example – best-sold products, best-seller products, new-release products, and many more.

Now, Let’s dive into some examples of Social Proof Statistics in Different niches

1. Social Proof Statistics for E-commerce

Understand why e-commerce businesses should focus on Social Proof using some statistics.

1. Percentage of consumers who rely on social proof before making a purchase

According to a survey by Nosto, 86% of consumers said that authenticity is a crucial factor when deciding which brands to support, and 60% said that user-generated content (UGC) is the most authentic form of content.

  • A study by PowerReviews found that 95% of consumers consult customer reviews before making a purchase, and 86% consider reviews to be an essential resource when making buying decisions.
  • A survey by Spiegel Research Center found that products with at least five reviews have a 270% higher chance of being purchased compared to products with no reviews, and the ideal number of reviews is between 20 and 50.
  • A survey conducted by TINT reveals that 75% of consumers look for reviews and testimonials before making any purchase from an online store, and 72% of consumers find customer-submitted reviews and testimonials more trustworthy than brands discussing their own products.
  • Encourage your customers to share real product photos in their reviews because, according to a TINT study, 72% of consumers trust images other customers share more than stock photography.

Social proof in e-commerce can be a great way to attract customers and influence their purchasing decisions. 

2. Percentage increase in sales when the social proof is displayed

What happens to sales when social proof comes into play?

Let’s take a look at some numbers:

A study by ConversionXL found that adding customer reviews to an e-commerce site can increase sales by up to 18%.

  • According to a study by Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by up to 270%.
  • Another study by Bazaarvoice found that products with reviews have a 12.5% higher conversion rate than those without reviews.
  • A survey by BrightLocal found that 91% of consumers between the ages of 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations and that 57% of consumers will only buy or use a business if it has at least a 4-star rating.

This data demonstrates that social proof is a strong ally in boosting sales.

3. Percentage of consumers who trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations

According to a study by Podium, 93% of consumers say that online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

A survey by BrightLocal in 2021 found that 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses and 79% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

A study by Nielsen found that 92% of consumers trust earned media (such as word-of-mouth recommendations and online reviews) more than any other form of advertising.

This information indicates that online reviews hold considerable weight in consumers’ purchasing decisions.

4. The impact of social proof on cart abandonment rates

Social proof can play a role in reducing cart abandonment rates by building trust. Here’s what the statistics say:

  • A study by Baymard Institute found that cart abandonment rates can be as high as 69.57% and that trust issues are among the top reasons consumers abandon their carts.
  • 91% of consumers say reading online reviews is essential when making a purchase decision, and 65% say that seeing user-generated content (such as customer photos and videos) helps build trust.
  • Another study by Yotpo found that displaying user-generated content on product pages can increase conversion rates by up to 166% and decrease cart abandonment rates by up to 2.5%.

Must Look: Cart Abandonment Statistics: $18 Billion in Annual Losses

These statistics emphasize the importance of social proof in building trust and reducing cart abandonment rates.

Consumers are encouraged to complete their purchases when customer reviews and user-generated content are displayed.

The growth of an eCommerce business depends upon the number of visitors converted to visiting the shop offline or online.

Every day, new online shop popups increase the competition and attract customers to buy from your store.

So how do you do it?

Using Social Proof.

You should know these popup statistics before using the popups.

Let’s unwrap some benefits of social proof in e-commerce:

  • Builds Trust: Online shopping is at its peak, and customers cannot touch or feel your product just by looking at the screen.So, how will they build trust in you?Check out the review section to see what other people say about your product and their experience.And that’s how you can build trust among the customers.
  • Provides Evidence of Quality: People tend to rely on other people’s opinions and actions that guide their decisions.Social proof can be seen as evidence of its high quality and desirability based on its positive experience.Review and rating put light on features, benefits, and how worth your product is.
  • Increases Conversions: Social proof is more than just a testimonial or review; it helps build customer trust and credibility.In addition, highlighting limited stock or popularity creates FOMO among the customers, motivating them to convert quickly.
  • Enhances the Shopping Experience: Social proof provides upfront reassurance to customers’ queries.The questions nagging in the customer’s mind about whether to buy or not, Social proof is the lighthouse for improving the customer’s shopping experience.
  • Improves Search Engine Ranking: Social proof serves as fresh and unique content on your website that leads to better ranking on search engines and gains more traffic. 

Don’t trust us? Take a sneak peek at these big brands that use social proof:


(Source: Casper)

Here’s an example from Casper, a brand that sells everything to help you sleep better.

The brand shows reviews and star ratings for every product, which helps them build customer trust.

Their carousel is featured prominently on their homepage, which customers can browse for reviews and ratings for different products.


Social Proof Notification & Reviews (Source: Creative Dukaan)

Another example is Creative Dukaan, an eCommerce website that sells creative design things like Laptop sleeve bags, laptop skins, T-shirts, Notebooks, Mousepads, and many more to customers. 

Creative Dukaan uses carousel-featured review systems and the social proof notification solution that can help build trust, influence buyers, and improve their conversion rate.

Dig deeper here: 100+ ECommerce Statistics & Trends

2. Social Proof Stats for Coaching

Let’s check out some statistics to make it look more relevant.

  • A study found that 93% of consumers say that online reviews impact their purchasing decisions when considering online coaching services.
  • A case study found that including customer testimonials on a Landing Page can increase conversions by up to 34%.
  • Another study by BrightLocal found that 82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, and 91% of those aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

These statistics suggest social proof is a game-changer in online coaching.

Students or customers can be influenced to enroll in the course by reading about the positive experiences of their ex-students.

Your social proof becomes your sales advocate. 

With the highly competitive online courses, influencing students to enroll in your online course becomes more difficult. 

How do you make more students enroll?

How do we make our course stand out?

These questions give you stress every day. 

Well, the answer can be – Social Proof.

That can help you differentiate from competitors, improve credibility, build trust, and increase sales.

Let’s unwrap some benefits of Social Proof in Coaching:

  • Trust Building: Showcasing testimonials, case studies, success stories, and endorsements from your students can boost your credibility. Students are more likely to trust your expertise when they see real-life examples. 
  • Boost Confidence: When students see your positive impact on other students, it can boost their confidence as coaches. Witnessing the transformation in others’ lives after working or investing in your coach can influence others.
  • Improve Sales: The higher your course’s star rating, the better it makes sales. You can set reviews on your courses that help you to seal the deal with new students.

Don’t trust us?

Here are examples of Coaches using social proof to attract and influence the audience:

Student reviews on your coaching store

(Source: Creative Live)

Here’s an example from one of the courses on Creative Live.

They have used ratings and reviews from their clients showing the experience and results after finishing the course. 

Showcase reviews for online coaching

(Source: The Online Dog Trainer)

Another example from The Online Dog Trainer is that it offers home-study courses and physical training products for dog owners to train their dogs and puppies.

They have a dedicated page for the reviews and a popup notification to create FOMO among the newcomers. 

3. Social Proof Stats for Travel and Hospitality

Let’s check out some 

  • 95% of travelers read reviews before booking a trip.
  • 53% of travelers wouldn’t book a hotel without reviews.
  • 78% of travelers focus on the most recent online reviews listed.
  • 58% of consumers pay more when they see good customer reviews.
  • 95% of travelers book hotels after searching for reviews and recommendations from friends or family.
  • 72% of respondents always or frequently read reviews before deciding where to stay and eat.
  • 52% of customers never book a hotel that has zero reviews.

These stats are the proof on the wall—social proof is the secret sauce in the travel and hospitality realm.

Today, all travelers read reviews before they book accommodation on significant sites like TripAdvisor, forums, and even social platforms.

While firming up plans, many travelers also visit hotel websites to conduct some research and check rates. 

However, while many hotels spend time improving customer experience and their services, they neglect collecting testimonials and reviews, which is a significant missed opportunity.

Here are some benefits of adding Social Proof to your travel and hospitality industry:

  • Boost Credibility: Gaining customer reviews and testimonials can help hotels and travel agencies build credibility.Customers can provide a comparable assessment of hotel quality, traveling experience, service, and commitment, which can boost credibility.
  • Improves Trust: When you gain social proof from travel influencers or customers, it can help to build trust among other potential travelers.When people see a positive experience at your hotel or destination, it establishes trust and builds confidence in making an accommodation.
  • High Conversion Rate: Social proof plays a crucial role in influencing travelers.When you display positive rewards or awards about the customer’s experience, they are more likely to make reservations.
  • Increase Loyalty: When guests have a positive experience due to the influence of Social proof, they become brand advocates and drive long-term growth. 

Travel and Hospitality with Examples:

(Source: Trip Advisor)

Here’s an example from Trip Advisor, a well-known travel platform that helps customers build the best trip.

Trip Advisor has added ratings and testimonials to every category to help customers make informed decisions.

It also helps them build customer trust by ensuring that reviews are genuine and helpful.



Here’s another example from, a travel company that connects travelers with memorable experiences through a variety of hotel and place options.

It shows different categories of reviews based on staff, cleanliness, comfort, location, and many more.

4. Social Proof Stats for Real Estate

Here are some Social Proof Statistics for real estate.

  • A National Association of Realtors survey found that 89% of buyers said they would use their agent again or recommend them to others if they had a positive experience.
  • A study by BrightLocal found that 76% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, including real estate agents and agencies.
  • According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors, 49% of home buyers found their property online, while 28% of buyers found their home through a real estate agent.
  • 73% of homeowners would likely list with an agent who offers to create a video for them.
  • 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising.

These statistics underscore the importance of social proof and visual content in real estate.

By leveraging social proof and incorporating visual elements, you can enhance visibility, build trust, and cultivate repeat business and referrals.

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and building trust & credibility is much more difficult than before.

Traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness, while social proof has emerged as a powerful tool for real estate showcasing your proof of work.

Must Read: 11 Best Social Proof Tools (Free and Paid).

You might get referrals from friends and family, but what if they Google you for reviews?

Online reviews can help you grow and win some new customers as well.

Here are some benefits of social proof in Real Estate:

  • Establish Credibility: Real people tell real stories about working with a real estate agent. Positive reviews, testimonials, and success stories from a client build trust and credibility about you.
  • Improve Marketing: Once you get reviews and permission to use them, it can help you improve your marketing efforts. You can post it on different sites, social media, your newsletter, or printed materials.
  • Improve Online Presence: Positive reviews can help boost your online visibility and get noticed quickly by the viewers.

Real Estate with Examples:

Real Estate Statistics

(Source: 99Acres)

Here’s an example from 99Acress, a property dealing site helping customers find, buy, and rent commercial and residential properties.

It shows society reviews like amenities, management, connectivity, construction, and others to build customer trust.

It also adds actual recommendations from the residents with filters of newest, negative, and recommended. 

Magic Bricks Reviews

(Source: Magic Bricks)

Another example is from Magic Bricks, which also deals in commercial, residential, and other properties for customers to sell, rent, and buy.

The reviews showcase all the required information, keeping it transparent for the customers and building trust.

5. Social Proof Stats for SaaS Product

Let’s check out some social proof statistics

92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review.

Companies that use testimonials on their website see a 34% increase in conversions. 

84% of customers trust reviews as much as their family and friends’ recommendations. 

50% of consumers visit a company’s website after reading positive reviews.

These show how Social Proof can change the game for the SaaS product and increase sales for them.

The buyer’s journey is complex; social proof proves that people use and like your product.

This encourages people to sign up and buy your product, which helps to grow your business and build positive experiences to influence potential customers’ decisions.

The testimonials from satisfied customers can help potential buyers understand the value and benefits of the SaaS product.

Here are some benefits of SaaS brands using Social proof in their business.

Benefits of Social Proof in SaaS Products:

  • Increase User Trust: Social proof provides customers with evidence that others have achieved results by showcasing real-world experiences and outcomes.
  •  Improve Brand Credibility: Social proof enhances credibility when customers see that reputable companies or individuals have endorsed your products apart from competitors.
  • Reduce Ambivalence: When people see your brand getting positive experiences from your products, irrespective of getting it from industry experts or satisfied customers, it makes it easier for people to choose you.
  • Competitive Advantage: A product with 2000 reviews and a 4-star rating is chosen first compared to zero reviews and ratings. People often choose a product that has more positive reviews and testimonials than others.

SaaS Products With Examples:

SaaS Products Review

(Source: Custify)

Custify has added social proof to its homepage.

Just below the CTA, it shows the customer ratings received on G2 and Capterra, while as you scroll down, you can see written customer testimonials that improve trust among customers. 

Further, it has also added a list of awards it received, showing that it’s one of the best SaaS products. 

WiserNotify Review

Another example is WiserNotify; as you scroll just below the CTA on the homepage, it has added some reviews from top sites like Capterra, G2, Shopify, Wix, and WordPress, building trust among the customers. 

Related: 11 Fabulous Social Proof Apps for Wix to Improve Conversions

As you scroll a bit, you can find the Customer testimonial, further influencing customers to make purchases and get those fantastic results.

6. Social Proof Stats for Entertainment Sites

Let’s check out some fantastic Social Proof Statistics.

  • 60% of consumers seek information before deciding to watch the content.
  • 80% of film viewers will consult critics’ reviews when considering what to watch.
  • 8 out of 10 people love to share TV shows and movie recommendations.

That shows how important ratings and reviews are for the Entertainment industry.

Do you want the box office performance of your movie, or do you want to improve the number of people watching your series on the OTT platform?

Social Proof can significantly influence a viewer’s decision to watch a series or attend an event.

For example, the testimonials from satisfied customers or attendees demonstrate the value of your event.

Here are some benefits of Social proof in Entertainment sites:

  • Increase User Engagement: It encourages users to explore and interact with the content on entertainment sites. Reviews and ratings from IMDb, iCheckMovies, Rotten Tomatoes, and more can add more trust.
  • User Recommendations: Social proof provides recommendations from their peers, making it easier for viewers to decide based on their experience.
  • Referral Traffic: Consumers share their positive recommendations about an event, series, or movie on different platforms, which increases referral traffic.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Social proof data can create personalized recommendations for viewers based on their history and similar user behaviors.

Entertainment Sites With Examples:

Book My Show Review

(Source: Book My Show)

Book My Show is a booking site that allows users to book movie tickets, events, streams, sports, and many more. It shows reviews for each movie, event, or other entertaining thing that builds customers’ trust and influences them to book a ticket, creating FOMO among them. Recommendations Option A Social Proof Strategy

Here’s another example from ZEE5. ZEE5 provides personalized recommendations by analyzing your past watch history.

7. Social Proof Stats for Landing Page

Let’s check some Social Proof Statistics for Landing Pages.

According to Northwestern University’s Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase the conversion rate by 270%

97% of buyers are influenced by reviews when buying. 

67% of consumers trust endorsements from unbiased experts. 

Consumers spend 31% more with favorable reviews. 

That makes social proof essential to display on Landing pages.

A high-converting landing page can get you a high conversion rate when filled with social proof.

People are much more likely to get converted on your landing page if they believe others have bought your products or services. 

Social proofs such as testimonials, reviews, and partner logos can quickly and effectively build credibility and improve conversion rates.

Here are some benefits of Social Proof on the Landing Page:

  • Build Trust: What’s the best way to communicate objective information using numbers, right? Show them the number of customers who bought your product or service, the number of subscribers on newsletters, or ratings on different platforms. That helps to build trust among the customers.
  • Positive Brand Association: Sharing positive impressions your customers share can help tell customers how your product or service can benefit them or bring results. It helps to create positive brand associations and brand image.
  • Boosts conversions: The end goal of a landing page is to convert visitors into customers by influencing them to take specific actions. Social proof can help to increase the conversion rate by creating a sense of safety and influencing them to take the desired action. 

Landing Page with Examples:

Slack Landing Page

(Source: Slack)

Also See: Top Social Proof Landing Page Strategies with Examples

Slack is a well-known messaging app for businesses that connects people to the information they need.

It constantly optimizes for conversions and stands apart. It has used the logos of its brand partners or customers, which builds customer trust and improves conversion. 

Trust Review

(Source: Brevo)

Here is another example from Brevo, a CRM suite designed fully to cultivate long-term customer relationships.

The landing page shows achievements and awards that build trust among the customers.

In addition, it shows ratings they got on different platforms like Trustpilot, Capterra, and G2 that influence customers to take the desired action.

Wrap up

Social proof existed long before online reviews and social media were exciting.

It has the extremely powerful benefits of building trust, improving conversion, and influencing customers’ decisions. 

The concept of social proof influences people in different industries, from B2B and SaaS to entertainment and travel. 

It is a psychological marketing tactic that shows customers that others have a positive experience working with your business.

It helps to build trust and create a FOMO among the customers.

Must Read: 10 Best FOMO Marketing Examples To Drive Sales in 2024

Brands should understand the types of social proof tactics available to stand out from their competitors.

Try out WiserNotify to boost the power of Social proof.

Statistics Sources












Spiegel Research Center




Bymard Institute







Also, Read these stats if interested

15+ Fake Review Statistics You Can’t Ignore


Social proof statistics reveal its significant impact on consumer behavior:

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
92% of consumers are more likely to trust peer recommendations over advertising.
Displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by 34%.
50% of consumers visit a company’s website after reading a positive review.
97% of consumers say online reviews influence their purchasing decisions.
These statistics underscore the importance of social proof in building trust, credibility, and ultimately driving sales for businesses.

A popular example of social proof is a website displaying a notification that “10 other people are viewing this item right now,” creating a sense of urgency and popularity.

Track engagement, conversions, reviews, mentions, referrals, and gather customer testimonials.

Yes, social proof is a powerful psychological and marketing tool. It leverages the innate human tendency to conform and follow the lead of others, leading to increased trust, credibility, and ultimately conversions for businesses.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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