Marketing Terms​

Dive into WiserNotify’s Marketing Terms Glossary, crafted for e-commerce and marketing pros. Decode digital marketing buzzwords and tactics, enhance strategies with our social proof and FOMO tools, and sharpen your lingo. Simple, clear, and useful – explore now and boost your marketing game!


Attendee/Test User Counts

A metric that quantifies the number of individuals participating in a given event or trial of a product.

Authentic Reviews

Genuine feedback or opinions about a product or service provided by customers based on their experiences, often critical for brand reputation and customer decision-making.

A/B Testing

A method of comparing two versions of a webpage or other asset to determine which one performs better.

Above the Fold

Above the Fold refers to the visible portion of a webpage seen without scrolling, often used to capture immediate user attention.

Affinity Social Proof

A persuasive strategy that utilizes relationships or associations with influential figures to enhance a brand's credibility and drive customer trust.


Individuals who promote, endorse, or positively represent a brand, often with the intent to influence potential consumers.


A psychological tactic that influences consumers' decision-making process by making them rely heavily on initial piece of information they receive.

Aspirational Testimonial

A type of endorsement where influential figures, often beyond the reach of average consumers, praise a product, inspiring the audience toward desired behaviors.

Attribution Modeling

Attribution Modeling: A data-driven approach that assigns credit to all marketing touchpoints in a conversion path to determine their impact on driving conversions and optimize marketing efforts.


A key aspect of brand identity that builds trust through honesty, transparency, and genuineness in communication and actions.

Authority Principle

A psychological concept that describes how individuals tend to comply more with those they view as knowledge leaders or experts.

Average Order Value

Average order value refers to the average amount of money a customer spends per transaction, which can be increased through various conversion optimization techniques.


Back-in-Stock Alerts

Notifications sent to customers when a previously unavailable product becomes purchasable again.

Before and After Photos

These visuals showcase the transformation of a product or service usage over time, emphasizing actual results to persuade potential customers.

Bestseller Tags

High-performing keywords that increase product visibility on e-commerce platforms, enhancing customer reach and sales potential.

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral Targeting: Analyzing and understanding user behavior to deliver personalized content and ads that are tailored to individual preferences and interests, increasing conversion rates.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate: The percentage of website visitors who leave a site after only viewing one page. It helps measure user engagement and site effectiveness.


Certifications and Awards

Recognitions given to an individual or company for meeting specific standards or achieving high levels of expertise and success.

Certified Buyer Tags

These are indicators used by businesses to validate customers who have actually purchased and used the products they are reviewing.

Cognitive Dissonance

A psychological phenomenon where customers experience discomfort due to inconsistency between their beliefs and a purchase decision.

Conversion Path

The conversion path refers to the journey a customer takes from their initial interaction with a marketing campaign to completing a desired action on a website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

Cart Abandonment Rate

Cart Abandonment Rate: The percentage of online shoppers who add items to their shopping cart but leave the website without completing the purchase.

Case Studies

Detailed analyses of specific marketing campaigns or strategies to understand their effectiveness, usually used as educational tools or proof of success.

Celebrity Partnerships

A strategy leveraging the fame of prominent individuals to boost brand awareness and credibility through co-promotion, endorsements, or collaborative product development.

Community Forums

A platform where consumers engage in discussions, seek advice, share experiences and express opinions about a brand's products or services.

Conversion Barriers

Conversion Barrier: Obstacles or hurdles that prevent potential customers from completing a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form on a website.

Conversion Funnels

A strategic pathway designed to guide potential customers from initial awareness to the final purchase decision, optimizing each step for increased conversions.

Countdown Timers

A tool used to generate urgency among consumers, typically employed in sales-driven situations or limited-time offers.

Crowd Favorites

Understanding Crowd Favorites in a Marketing Context Welcome to our short guide on crowd favorites! In marketing, crowd favorites refer to products, services, or brands that have gained significant popularity and admiration among consumers. These are the go-to choices that many people prefer and recommend to others. To understand crowd favorites, we must examine their […]

Customer Polls/Surveys

A method to gather feedback, assess satisfaction, or understand needs and preferences of a target audience.

Customer Test Flights

A strategy to test a product or service with a select group of customers before its final launch.

Call to Action (CTA)

A Call to Action (CTA) is a prompt or statement that encourages users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter, often using persuasive language and design elements.

Checkout Optimization

Checkout Optimization: Maximizing the efficiency and ease of the online purchasing process to increase conversions and revenue for e-commerce websites.

Churn Rate

Churn rate refers to the percentage of customers who stop using a product or service over a given period of time.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a metric that measures the percentage of people who click on a specific link or advertisement, commonly used to gauge the success of online marketing campaigns.


A measure of an individual's or brand's capacity to influence decisions or behavior through credibility and reach in their sphere.

Collaborative Social Proof

A tactic that leverages the influence of group actions and input to boost customer confidence and enhance product credibility.


A strategy employed to influence or sway consumer behavior by aligning offerings or messaging with existing tastes, trends, or societal norms.

Consensus Principle

A psychological tactic that leverages the influence of a group's actions or beliefs on an individual's decision-making process.

Consistency Principle

The technique of maintaining uniformity in messaging and branding across various platforms to create a seamless customer experience.


Cross-selling is the practice of offering customers additional products or services that complement their initial purchase.

Curated Social Proof

A strategic technique encompassing the presentation of selective customer reviews, testimonials, or endorsements to build brand trust and boost conversions.

Customer Acquisition Cost

The Cost of acquiring each new customer, measured by dividing the total marketing expenses by the number of new customers gained.

Customer Count

A quantitative measure depicting the total number of distinct individuals who avail of a business's products or services.

Customer Journeys

A comprehensive path that a consumer takes involving all interactions and touchpoints from initial brand discovery to final purchase.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Measure of the total profit a customer is expected to generate over their relationship with a business, informing marketing strategies to maximize long-term value.

Customer Retention

Customer retention refers to the strategies and actions taken by a company to keep existing customers and increase their loyalty and satisfaction.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of users who complete a desired action (like purchasing a product) out of the total number of visitors on a website or digital platform.


Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy that allows businesses to adjust the price of a product or service in real time based on factors such as demand, supply, and competition, with the goal of maximizing revenue and profits.

Decision Fatigue

A psychological state where customers feel overwhelmed by too many options, leading to difficulty in making purchase decisions.

Decision Paralysis

A situation where consumers face difficulty in making a purchase due to overwhelming choices, potentially leading to lost sales.


Email Campaigns

Optimizing email campaigns to increase open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions.


A public approval or support by a well-known personality or entity, often used for increased brand credibility and sales upliftment.

Expert Recommendations

Explore the role of expert recommendations in marketing and how they can influence customer perceptions and drive purchasing decisions.

Early Bird Specials

Offers provided to customers who purchase goods or services in advance or during off-peak hours.

Embedded Social Posts

They are snippets from social media networks integrated into the content of a web page or blog post, enhancing user engagement and content freshness.

Engagement Metrics

These are measures indicating how users interact with content, providing insight on reach, involvement, and responsiveness toward a brand's activities.

Enthusiast Reviews

User-generated evaluations of products or services, often shared online, that express excitement or passion for the subject reviewed.

Exit Intent Popups

Exit intent popups are a type of popup that appear when a user is about to leave a website, with the goal of converting them into a lead or customer.

E-commerce Analytics

E-commerce Analytics: Gather and analyze data from online sales to identify opportunities for improving conversion rates, revenue, and overall performance in e-commerce businesses.

E-commerce Optimization

Strategies and practices for enhancing online shopping experiences to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Emotional Appeal

A persuasive technique leveraging feelings to influence a customer's behavior or perception towards a product or service.

Evolutionary Psychology

It's a study exploring how human behavior, shaped by psychological adaptations and evolution, influences consumer decision-making.


A strategy that sets a product or service apart through limiting its availability, fostering its desirability and enhancing its perceived value.


Feedback Loop

A process where the effects of a campaign or action are used to modify future decisions and strategies.

Featured in Logos

A design element, often a symbol or icon, used prominently in a business logo to convey the brand’s identity and values.

Flash Sales

A time-bound promotional strategy that offers substantial discounts or incentives on products to stimulate quick consumer purchases.

Form Conversion

Form Conversion is the process of optimizing online forms to ensure a higher percentage of visitors complete and submit the form, resulting in increased conversions and lead generation.

Featured Customer

A high-profile client whose success story is prominently showcased to boost credibility and attract potential clients.

Fear of Regret

A psychological phenomenon leveraged in advertising to prompt action by making consumers worry about missing out on potential benefits.


A psychological trigger used in marketing to create urgency or promote exclusivity, driving consumers to action to avoid feeling left out.

Funnel Analysis

Funnel Analysis: Analyzing each step in the customer journey to identify and optimize conversion opportunities, improving overall sales and marketing effectiveness.


Hot Streak

A period of notable success or productivity in a marketing campaign characterized by consecutive achievements or wins.

Heatmap Analysis

Discover how users interact with your website through visual representation, revealing clicks, scrolls, and engagement patterns.


Heatmaps: Visual representations of user behavior on a website, showing where users click, scroll, or spend the most time. Help identify areas for optimization and improved user experience.

Highlight Reel

A compilation of key moments, achievements, or elements from a campaign or project, designed to showcase successes and generate interest.

Herd Behavior

A phenomenon where consumers follow mass trends, making purchase decisions based on what others are buying.

Herding Instinct

A psychological principle leveraged in marketing that capitalizes on an individual's tendency to follow or mimic mass behavior.


In-group Bias

A predisposition favoring members of one's own group, often resulting in biased decision-making and preferential treatment.

Influencer Marketing

A strategy harnessing the reach of prominent individuals to promote products or services to their large follower bases.

Informational Social Influence

A psychological phenomenon where people conform to others' actions in situations with perceived uncertainty, often used to influence consumer decisions.


Joiner Effect

A phenomenon where consumers are more likely to purchase a product after seeing others buy it, leveraging social proof to fuel sales.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Measure success by tracking specific metrics that align with business goals, such as sales, leads, or website traffic, to improve decision-making and drive better results.


Last Chance Offers

Special promotions or discounts given to customers to incentivize a purchase before a product or service is no longer available.

Limited Time Offers

Special promotions that reduce the price of a product or service for a set period to spur sales and increase customer urgency.

Loyalty Programs

Incentive plans introduced by businesses to encourage repeat customers by offering rewards or discounts for continuous patronage.

Live Demo

A practical presentation showing how a product or service operates in real-time, serving as a potent customer engagement and educational tool.

Landing Page Optimization

Increase website conversions, leads, and revenue by optimizing your landing pages with strategic design, compelling copy, and effective call-to-actions.

Lead Generation

Lead Generation: The process of attracting and capturing potential customers' interest in a product or service to generate sales leads.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers through personalized and timely communication to guide them through the sales funnel.

Liking Principle

A tactic that persuades consumers by asserting an immediate connection or affinity towards a brand, product, or service.


Member Stories

Insightful narratives shared by customers about their experiences with a product or service, used as a persuasive tool in marketing.

Maven Influence

A strategy leveraging industry experts or celebrities to endorse a brand or product, thereby boosting its credibility and appeal to consumers.

Mental Shortcuts

These are intuitive, quick decisions that individuals make based on pre-existing knowledge or perceptions, often used by marketers to influence consumer behavior.

Mobile Commerce Optimization

Maximizing the performance of mobile commerce by improving user experience, optimizing website design and functionality, and implementing effective marketing strategies.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization focuses on improving the user experience and performance of a website or app when accessed on mobile devices.

Multivariate Testing

Multivariate Testing: A technique that allows marketers to test multiple variations of elements (such as headlines, images, or CTAs) on a webpage simultaneously to determine the combination that yields the highest conversion rate.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

A psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal.

Normative Social Influence

Understand the influence of normative social influence on decision-making. Learn how the desire to fit in can affect our choices and actions.

Network Effect

A phenomenon where each additional user of a product or service amplifies its value, thus enhancing its attractiveness and demand.


Online Customer Experience

Online Customer Experience and learn how it shapes customer satisfaction and brand loyalty through seamless online interactions.


Pop-up Notifications

These are small messages that appear on users' screens, often used to grab attention, share information, or prompt action like subscribing or buying.


Pageviews refer to the number of times a webpage is viewed or accessed by users, providing insight into website traffic and user engagement.

Popularity Indicators

These are tools used to measure audience engagement, consisting of metrics like likes, shares, comments, and other interactions on social media platforms.

Press Mentions

Refers to the instances when a company or product is referenced by media outlets in their content, providing visibility and credibility.

Product Recommendations

Increase the likelihood of sales by suggesting relevant products to customers based on their browsing and purchase history.

Peer Pressure

A strong influential force driven by societal or group norms that can significantly impact consumers' purchasing decisions.


Tailoring the user experience by leveraging data and targeting techniques to deliver relevant and individualized content and offers.

Personalized Marketing

Personalized marketing is tailoring marketing messages and experiences to individual customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics.

Psychological Triggers

These are stimuli that prompt customers towards particular actions by appealing to their emotions, needs, or desires.


Qualitative Data Collection

Collecting qualitative data to gain insights into user behavior and preferences, helping optimize conversion rates based on real user experiences.


Reciprocity Principle

A psychological trigger encouraging people to return a favor, resulting in increased conversions and customer loyalty.


A measure of customer satisfaction with a product or service, usually expressed on a numeric scale.


Fundamentals of Retargeting/Remarketing in Digital Advertising Have you ever visited a website and then seen ads for that site elsewhere online? That’s retargeting/remarketing in action. It’s like a digital reminder, nudging users to revisit and engage with a brand they showed interest in. Retargeting Basics: This technique involves showing ads to users who have previously […]

Refer-a-Friend Programs

Incentive-based strategies that encourage existing customers to introduce a brand to new ones, positively spreading word-of-mouth.

Retention Rate

Retention Rate: Percentage of customers or users that continue to use a product or service over a specific period of time.

Real-time Statistics

Refers to live data that updates instantly, as events occur, especially important in understanding immediate customer behavior and response.

Return on Ad Spend

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a metric used to measure the profitability of advertising campaigns by calculating the revenue generated for every dollar spent on ads.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI): A metric that calculates the profitability of an investment by comparing the return generated to the cost of the investment.


Social Comparison Theory

A psychological concept where individuals determine their own worth based on how they stack up against others, often used to drive consumer behavior.

Social Share Count

It's the cumulative sum of shares, likes, and comments a post gets on social media platforms indicating its popularity and reach.

Session Duration

Increase website performance and drive more conversions with conversion optimization techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts.

Showcase Events

Plan the perfect showcase event and captivate your audience. Learn how to showcase your business and plan a strategy for success.

Social Media Mentions

These refer to the instances where a brand is cited on social media platforms, indicating customer engagement and brand visibility.

Seal of Approval

A recognized endorsement or certification that a product or service meets certain quality standards, often enhancing customer trust and persuading purchase decisions.

Scarcity Principle

A psychological tactic used in marketing, leveraging the fear of shortage to boost customer purchase urgency and demand.


An approach that capitalizes on limited availability to increase demand and urgency among consumers.

Scroll Depth Tracking

Scroll depth tracking is a method used to measure how far users scroll on a webpage, providing insights into user engagement and content visibility.

Social Listening

A process where businesses monitor digital channels for mentions and social conversations, thus comprehending customer attitude and feedback.

Social Proof

A type of psychological phenomenon where people mirror the actions of others, assuming that these actions reflect correct behavior.

Split Testing

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or marketing element to determine which performs better in terms of conversions.

Split URL Testing

Split URL Testing uses multiple versions of a webpage to test which one generates higher conversion rates, allowing marketers to optimize their website for maximum results.

Statistical significance

Statistical significance measures the likelihood that a change in a marketing campaign or website design will result in improved conversion rates, helping marketers make data-driven decisions for optimization.

Sunk Cost Fallacy

A cognitive bias making one stick to an endeavor because they've invested time, money or resources, despite potential loss or gain.


Traffic Acquisition

Obtaining targeted and high-quality website visitors through various strategies, such as SEO, paid advertising, and social media marketing.


Customer statements that affirm the value or benefits of a product, service or brand, frequently used to build trust and credibility.

Third-party Reviews

These are critiques or evaluations of a product, service or company by an entity not connected to the company selling the product or offering the service.

Trust Badges

Emblems displayed on a website to increase consumer confidence by demonstrating security features or partnerships with reputable institutions.

Trust Seals

Emblems displayed on websites conveying credibility and safety to ensure customer confidence while making online transactions.

Type 1 Error

Type 1 Error: When a statistical test falsely rejects a null hypothesis that is actually true, leading to a false positive result or incorrect conclusion.


Discover trendsetting in marketing: Lead with innovation to shape consumer trends and elevate your brand's influence.


Unique Visitors

The number of individuals who visit a website for the first time, providing valuable insights for conversion rate optimization efforts.

User Reviews

Feedback provided by customers about a product or service, which businesses use to improve offerings and build trust with potential consumers.

Unboxing Videos

These are online videos where products are unpacked and demonstrated, primarily to showcase their features and functionality, aiding consumer purchase decisions.


Upselling is a sales technique used to encourage customers to purchase additional or upgraded products or services.


A stimulant in messaging to propel a hasty response or decision, often capitalizing on limited time or availability.

Usability Testing

Evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users to identify any issues and improve overall user experience.

User Experience (UX)

Improving user experience (UX) involves enhancing the overall satisfaction and ease of use that customers have while interacting with a company's product or website.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Content created and published by unpaid contributors, usually customers or fans, to promote a brand or product.


Value Proposition

A value proposition is a unique and compelling statement that communicates the benefits and value a product or service offers to its customers.

Viral Marketing

A strategy that encourages individuals to pass along a marketing message, creating exponential growth in its exposure and influence.

Visitor Engagement

Measuring and enhancing how interactively and meaningfully a website's visitors engage with its content.

Visitor Segmentation

Visitor Segmentation: Dividing website visitors into distinct groups based on shared characteristics, behavior, or demographics to tailor marketing strategies and optimize conversions.

Voice Search Optimization

Increase website performance and user engagement by optimizing for voice search, making it easier for users to find your content using voice commands on voice-enabled devices.


What Are Sales Funnels? | Definitive Guide to Conversion Optimization & Customer Behavior

Sales funnel refers to the step-by-step process that turns potential customers into actual buyers through targeted marketing strategies and optimized customer journey.


A method used to manage demand for a product or service by creating a list of potential customers who will be serviced when possible.

Web Analytics

A process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting online data to understand and optimize digital user experiences.

Wisdom of Friends

A strategy that leverages personal networks to seek advice, recommendations, and endorsements, boosting trust and credibility for a product or service.

Web Performance Optimization

Web Performance Optimization: Enhancing website speed and user experience to boost engagement and conversions.

Website Readability

Website Readability refers to the ease with which content on a website can be understood by visitors, impacting user experience and engagement.

Wisdom of the Crowds

A strategy that leverages crowd opinion to inform business decisions, such as product development or market trends.


A form of unpaid promotion where satisfied customers share their positive experiences or recommend products or services to others.