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Video Testimonial

15 Shocking Video Testimonial Statistics (New Data)

Move over, text reviews. Video testimonials are taking center stage, offering a more authentic and compelling way to showcase your brand’s real-world impact.

Discover the eye-opening video testimonials statistics that reveal how video testimonials can skyrocket engagement, supercharge your marketing efforts, and make your brand unforgettable.

Key Video Testimonial Statistics

  • Testimonial videos on sales pages increase conversions by 80%.
  • Around 72% of customers trust a brand more with positive video testimonials and reviews.
  • Research shows that company websites with video content are 53 times more likely to appear on Google’s first page.
  • Customers retain 95% of a video review rather than just 10% of a written one.
  • 72% of customers prefer a video to learn about products or services.
  • Video marketing professionals get 66% more qualified leads per year.
  • 88% of customers trust video content as much as peer recommendations

Video Testimonial Statistics

Video testimonials convey real customer experiences. This enhances the brand’s credibility and develops deeper bonds with its target market.

The following video testimonial statistics are a testament to the same.

Video Testimonials Statistics for Sales, Leads, and Conversions

The given statistics will stress on how testimonial videos are a valuable addition to better marketing strategies with better conversion of leads rates and sales.

1. Video testimonials can increase conversion rates by 80%.

Video Testimonial Impact On Conversions Showing Stats


After brands started making use of video testimonials, it made a significant difference in conversion rates.

2. 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or service online after they watch a video testimonial showcasing it.

3. Businesses using video testimonials have 49% more sales than those without

4. Including video testimonials in emails to customers can increase click-through rates by 300%

5. Video marketing professionals get 66% more qualified leads per year.

Testimonial videos convince and attract more potential buyers, which leads to an annual increase in customers.

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Video Testimonial Stats


Video Testimonial Statistics to Build Brand Trust & Credibility

Customer testimonials are essential in building trust and increasing the credibility of brands. This testimonial data will underscore their significance.

6. Around 72% of customers trust a brand more with positive video testimonials and reviews.

People tend to trust a brand with more satisfied customer testimonials than other brands with written reviews, which can easily be fabricated.

7. 76% of customers feel that video content shared by an actual person is more credible than the content shared by the brand itself.

Video Testimonial Trust Statistics


8. Video testimonial statistics suggest that 74% of people who viewed video content about a product consecutively bought it as well.

9. Visual content, along with testimonials, have a 40 times higher chance of being shared on social media than links and texts combined.

10. 88% of customers trust video testimonials as much as personal recommendations.

Customer testimonial videos give social proof of a brand and its credibility. In turn, that gives potential customers a reason to put their trust in that brand.

Why Video Testimonial Matters


Stats on The Impact of Customer Stories on Brand Perception

Customer testimonial videos and stories can influence other customers to trust your brand and engage with it more. Let’s see how.

11. 57% of customers say that their likelihood of engaging with a brand increases when they hear testimonials from current customers.

Consumer Connection Via Video


12. 64% of customers have a deeper relationship with a business because of shared reviews and values.

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Video Testomonial On Relationship


13. There’s a 37% higher retention rate of customers who first chose the brand because of a referral.

14. Around 92% of customers trust a personal recommendation from friends or family. Therefore, they tend to trust video testimonials just as much.

Why People Trust Video Testimonials


15. Almost 74% of customers let social networks guide their purchasing choices. Hence, video testimonials are helpful in directing them to your brand.

Case Study: Dropbox Saw 10% Conversion Boost with Video Testimonials



Dropbox is a file storage brand based on cloud technology. Its aim was to register more members and increase the percentage of users who go for its paid services.

Earlier, they used Google AdWords to reach customers but soon realised that they were at a loss. What did they do then?

One of the ways they employed this was to make a 120-second video explaining how their services worked, along with creating video testimonials from other customers expressing their satisfaction.


On their website, earlier, there was nothing but an explainer video and a download button. More users registered for their services once they understood how it works.

Following this, Dropbox initiated a viral referral campaign. They surveyed marketers, sought out their customers, and made small testimonial videos.

In these videos, they talked about how the system had facilitated their operations, enhanced cooperation, and given them peace of mind by preserving their files safely.


After they added customer video testimonials talking about their experiences to the website and email marketing campaigns, Dropbox realised a considerable increase in conversions for its premium plans by 10%.

Watching real users share their success stories and consumer feedback, potential users became more convinced of the value proposition.

The concerns about data security and reliability of their services were dealt with using these testimonial videos.

As a result, Dropbox not only increased its conversion rates but also built trust and credibility amongst customers.

Such real-life stories shared by customers invoked deep feelings within people, eliciting more registrations and paid subscriptions.

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Key Takeaways from the Case Study

Video testimonials resulted in a considerable 10% increase in conversion rates for Dropbox.

How was Dropbox able to get a 10% conversion rate in just 5 years using video testimonials?

They used the testimonials from customers along with their explainer video to provide authentic insights into how their service worked and benefitted real users.

This underscores the efficiency of user-generated content in attracting potential customers.

Customers retain 95% of a video review rather than just 10% of a written one.

Video content is more memorable and engaging than text-based reviews and explanations. Users retain a lot more from video testimonials and, hence, are more likely to register for their service.

The testimonials were also helpful in resolving users’ concerns regarding data security, and they assured them that their data was safe with their cloud storage services.

Video Testimonials: What, Why, and How

To understand how video testimonials help a brand get a strong foothold in their respective industry, it’s essential to know about them in detail.

Video Testimonials: What, Why, and How

What are Video Testimonials?

Video testimonials refer to recordings of customers giving their views and experiences about a product, service, or company.

They are primarily utilised in marketing and promotional activities with the aim of enhancing credibility and trust along with setting up social proof for customers.

In many cases, video testimonials involve real people speaking to a camera directly or being interviewed about their positive experiences with a specific brand.

They are effective since they invoke genuine emotions and establish authenticity, making them more effective than written ones.

Why Video Testimonial Matter

Marketing organisations produce testimonial videos because they communicate the truth and give an impression of trust based on real experience.

Contrary to written testimonials, these resonate by demonstrating how products can solve their problems and better people’s lives.

Thus, they create emotional connections that enhance credibility.

Websites with video testimonials are 53 times more likely to be on the first page of Google.

They bring out the advantages of the product, handle objections, and contribute to better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by increasing user involvement.

Video testimonials can reach across different platforms like websites and social media, thereby enforcing brand trust.

This helps potential customers make purchase decisions regarding your brand, thus increasing sales and customer loyalty.

How to Collect Video Testimonials from Customers

Collecting video testimonials can considerably enhance your marketing strategies by demonstrating their authentic experiences and developing trust with other customers.

You can do it by various methods.

You can directly request the creation of testimonial videos from satisfied customers or use video testimonial software. Personalise your request and tell them how their testimonial can help others.

Incentives are another way to collect testimonials. You can offer customers added benefits to their services, such as discounts, extended trials, or exclusive access to new features.

When customers give positive reviews through support calls or emails, you can grasp that moment to ask them if they are willing to create testimonial videos to show their appreciation.

It may come off as a challenge to gather persuasive testimonial videos. Here are some tips to accomplish the same:

To bring out the key points that should reach other customers, encourage customers to lay special emphasis on the outcomes or benefits of the products they use.

Ask them to make short, engaging videos with solid examples of how your product helped them.

Ask your customers to share snippets of physical events and how your product played a crucial role in it. That can help touch the audience and invoke emotions and trust in your brand.

The video testimonials can include ‘before and after’ of the customer’s journey, highlighting the efficiency and importance in their lives. That influences potential customers to use your services.

To make it easy for potential buyers to understand how your service works, you can ask your customers to make video testimonials demonstrating them in action.

That can also help hesitant customers to try out your products.

The persuasive power of a testimonial is effective only if the emotion conveyed is genuine. So avoid scripting or over-editing them to reach the target audience more effectively.

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Strategic Video Testimonial Deployment

Maximising the impact of video testimonials depends on the strategic deployment. Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1: Choose the testimonials

Select genuine testimonials that look authentic and are able to capture the attention of the customer.

Nearly half of the testimonial videos are ineffective if the purpose is not conveyed properly. Hence, the persuasive power of your testimonial video should be enough to grab the attention of the buyer.

Step 2: Optimize Video Quality

Customers prefer well-recorded videos without any glitches. You should decide how long a video testimonial should be and stick to it.

If the quality of your video content is too low, they’ll prefer to skip it rather than watch it.

Step 3: Deploy across various channels

Your brand will attract other customers if the testimonial videos are distributed across various platforms, such as social media platforms and websites.

You should consult a marketing professional to help with the distribution for better results.

Beyond the Homepage: High-Impact Placement Strategies

Other than your company website’s homepage, various places can be highly impactful. Here are some of the high-impact placement strategies other than the homepage:

Product Pages

Positive testimonials are most effective when placed directly on product pages to reach new customers looking to buy that product. Data reveals that most customers read online reviews and see the testimonial videos on your website before buying your services.

Email Campaigns

Incorporating testimonial videos in emails is an effective marketing strategy. It proves to be an effective form of video marketing for websites, as customers are more likely to click on an email if there’s a video in it.

Social Media Campaigns

Social media advertising can reach a greater audience; hence, utilising these platforms for video testimonials brings in more customers and helps build trust and credibility. Creating testimonial videos that are short and compelling is a quick way to grab the attention of other consumers and encourage them to know more about your product.

Wrap Up

Modern marketing organisations make use of testimonial videos that are powerful for establishing authenticity and creating impact with happy customers.

By deploying the latest strategies, businesses may boost their brand image, increase conversion rates, and establish customer loyalty in the long run.

So, make video testimonials a crucial part of your marketing strategies and uplift your brand image.


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20 Google Review Statistics You Must Know


Research shows that testimonial videos present on the landing page show an 86% increase in conversion rates compared to customer feedback in text form. There is a 4.8% conversion rate for sites that use video testimonials compared to those that don’t.

Most marketing teams suggest incorporating relevant keywords related to the product during video testimonial production to optimise it for search engines. A single testimonial video should have a well-structured description and internal links related to it.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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