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How to Increase Your eCommerce Store Sales?

If you’re having trouble getting more customers to your e-commerce store, there are probably several reasons why this may be the case. Maybe your business is new, and you haven’t yet found your target market, or maybe you’ve been in business for a while but aren’t effectively engaging with your existing customers to keep them coming back again and again.

Increasing your e-commerce store sales isn’t difficult, but it can be tricky. However, a little planning and some well-considered decisions can go a long way. Keep these ten ideas in mind as you build out your strategy and tactics. If you make increasing your e-commerce store sales part of your plan from day one, you should find it easier than ever to get people interested in buying from you online.

1. Make it easier to find your products

2. Make your products more visible

3. Create a frictionless buying experience

4. Make your products look beautiful with rich images

5. Use your product descriptions to sell

6. Add a sense of urgency

7. Add a section with best selling products

8. Create an awesome exit intent pop-up

9. Create a memorable experience

10. Give buyers multiple payment options

Whatever the reason, here are ten ways to increase your e-commerce store sales that will help ensure that more people buy from you. Let’s get started!

1. Make it easier to find your products.

To increase your e-commerce store sales, you first need to make it easier for potential customers to find your products.

In some instances, a more conspicuous placement of your products, for example, putting them at eye level instead of on a bottom shelf, can help bump up sales.

Google Shopping, formerly called Froogle, helps people find products from online stores by allowing users to search for items or scan barcodes.

With over one billion product listings and available in 33 countries (including all 28 European Union countries), Google Shopping is an excellent resource for e-commerce store owners looking to boost their sales figures.

Related: Key Features Your Theme Should Have

2. Make your products more visible.

If your website sells physical products, you can easily increase your e-commerce store sales by adding more product images.

Whenever you think a customer may have a hard time envisioning how a product will look in their home, body, or head, add more images.

For some products (e.g., clothing), customers must see what they’re buying before making a purchase decision.

Don’t worry about cluttering up your website with too many pictures, either; recent research shows that browsing websites with too many pictures can lower consumer anxiety and increase sales.

3. Create a frictionless buying experience

Frictionless purchasing happens when you reduce, remove, or eliminate all steps between a person and their desired goal.

To increase e-commerce store sales, you can create a frictionless buying experience by offering free shipping for purchases over $50 or adding prominent buy buttons throughout your site, so customers don’t have to hunt for them.

You should also make sure to address any issues people might have about placing an order with your business.

  • Does everything on your site load quickly?
  • Is there an easy way for customers to contact customer service if they encounter any problems?

4. Make your products look beautiful with rich images.

It’s a fact that your customers won’t buy products they don’t find appealing. Rich images are great for inspiring shoppers and increasing e-commerce store sales.

Start showcasing visually appealing products with imagery that grabs attention by breaking through the online clutter and enticing customers to click through to complete a purchase.

  • Feature full product shots or lifestyle images of people using your product or service in real life.
  • Take extra care to ensure any visual you use is unique and well lit, so it appears professional and draws in potential customers.

The same way an image can inspire a customer, poor quality imagery may turn them away from purchasing from your e-commerce store.

Also Read: 20 Examples of Ecommerce Product Video Marketing in 2023

5. Use your product descriptions to sell

Add a sense of urgency to increase e-commerce store sales by telling customers that a limited number of products are available. If possible, make it easy for people to purchase by offering next-day shipping or click and collect.

Also, do you know your target audience?

It’s important to understand –

  • What do they need?
  • How do they think?
  • How do they feel?

It’s one thing to get potential customers through your front door; it’s another thing entirely when you want them spending money in your store.

  • Are there times when customers would prefer email over phone calls?

Find out what makes them tick. This will not only help increase your e-commerce store sales but also help create strong loyalty among existing customers.

6. Add a sense of urgency

Just like free shipping can increase sales, so can a sense of urgency. Research shows that adding a time constraint to your sales offer—e.g., sale ends today—can drastically improve your e-commerce store sales.

To generate urgency, develop loyalty, and drive conversions, WiserNotify – The best Social Proof Tool uses visitor actions.

WiserNotify’s unique features allow you to target individual customers and display a message or pop-up that connects with them, allowing you to increase sales in a variety of ways.

You can show the notifications for customers to increase your e-commerce store sales by using these ways-

  • Increase Sales by Influencing Shoppers.
  • Decrease the number of abandoned carts.
  • Create a sense of urgency and the FOMO (fear of missing out).
  • Display what other people think of your products.
  • Offer discounts for quick purchases

To increase your e-commerce store sales is by offering discount incentives for speedy purchases.

✓ Build trust & credibility with live visitor notifications

Show real-time purchase data to boost confidence

✓ Increase number of sign-ups with conversion notifications

✓ Show Facebook, Google & other platform reviews

✓ Show sales into notifications

Make announcements of upcoming events

✓ Create urgency with timer widget and limited-time discounts

✓ Show of your Social Media Counters

Studies show that consumers who know a product are discounted if they make an immediate purchase are more likely to follow through with their intention to buy.

For example, you might say something like-

  • Hurry! This price won’t last long! Or
  • even If you purchase now, we’ll knock 20% off your total order!
  • Emphasize values over prices

Focus on
value rather than price in all of your marketing efforts and especially on social media. Not only will you convert new customers, but you’ll also help existing customers feel good about supporting and patronizing your business.

Related: 50+ real examples of social proof

7. Add a section with best-selling products.

The best way to increase your e-commerce store sales is to add a section with best-selling products.

Add your most popular products, such as your bestselling clothing items or accessories for men and women.

This will allow more customers to purchase more items, keeping them on your website longer.

Consider having a pop-up window on top of each product, giving you an opportunity to ask customers if they would like suggestions based on their previous purchases and interests.

By keeping them there longer, they are more likely to make additional purchases increasing e-commerce store sales. Or consider having articles highlighting various products similar in use that may interest those who have visited in terms of style, color, or texture, giving them other ideas they can purchase while still being on your site and increasing e-commerce store sales!

8. Create an awesome exit intent pop-up

If you don’t have an exit pop, you’re leaving money on the table. It’s one of those things that might seem obvious now that you think about it.

The fact that lots of people abandon their carts without actually finishing up and checking out but it may be a new concept for many eCommerce merchants.

If your site is built on WordPress, there are some easy plugins that you can add, and are you sure? Prompt right when someone tries to leave your site. This would give them a final chance to change their mind if they abandoned their cart before reaching the checkout.

9. Create a memorable experience.

Remember, a lot of people are just window shopping your site. To convert these browsers into paying customers, you need to provide an experience that resonates with them.

One way to do that is by making sure there’s something unique about your product or service.

  • How can you draw attention to it?
  • What makes it stand out from its competitors?
  • Why would someone want it over anything else like it?

These are all questions you should be asking yourself before deciding on a marketing plan for your e-commerce store.

The more attention you pay to detail and answer these questions, the more likely you’ll find success in your business. And as always: test what works and what doesn’t work.

​When it comes to increasing your store sales, you don’t have one single tactic; rather, you have many different strategies to use at once.

So don’t limit yourself by thinking that there’s only one strategy for getting results. Instead, try using everything at once! It might seem overwhelming at first, but using multiple tactics will help make up for any shortcomings.

10. Give buyers multiple payment options.

You can increase your e-commerce store sales by giving buyers multiple payment options. You must give buyers a way to pay with their preferred form of payment, whether it’s PayPal, Visa, or MasterCard.

Depending on what country you live in, some methods may not be available, but you must try to provide as many choices as possible so that people feel safe purchasing from your website.

The faster and easier your buyers can pay for their items, the more likely they will buy from you!

Also read: 12 Profitable SaaS Tools for Your eCommerce Business


You can increase your e-commerce store sales by thinking outside of the box. You can also increase your e-commerce store sales by educating yourself. While there are no shortcuts for online marketing, there are tricks you can use and ways in which you can position yourself so that people learn about you. Make sure you give them a reason to choose you over all of your competitors out there, and, remember, competition is almost always a good thing for business. Just make sure you do it in a way that builds upon itself and does not confuse customers about who or what you are. Once again, being aware and being innovative will help more than hurt. So get out there and earn those profits!

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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