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Black Friday Mistakes

9 Critical Black Friday Mistakes to Avoid at All Cost

You’ve spent weeks preparing for the big day, stocking your shelves and hyping up your customers.

But then disaster strikes! Your site crashes, your deals are confusing or your customer service is nowhere to be found.

Those eager shoppers are now disappointed customers and your Black Friday is going up in flames.

Don’t let this be you! In this post we’ll go over 9 Black Friday mistakes that can kill your sales and send your customers running.

We’ll also show you how to avoid them so you can make this Black Friday your best one ever.

Ready? Let’s go!



1. Ignoring Social Proof

In the wild west of online shopping, trust is currency. Customers have hundreds of options and they need a reason to believe in your brand, your products and your promises.

That’s where social proof comes in. Think of it as a friend recommending their favorite restaurant. You’re more likely to try it out, right?

But so many stores fail to deliver on this crucial element, especially during Black Friday.

They go for flashy banners and deep discounts but forget to show the one thing that really matters: what other customers are saying.

Examples of this mistake in action

Product pages with no reviews or ratings. It’s like walking into an empty restaurant – a little creepy, right?

Websites with no customer testimonials or success stories. If no one’s singing your ecommerce site’s praises, why should shoppers believe you’re the best choice?

The Solution: Turn Your Customers into Brand Ambassadors

Wisernotify: This tool is a must-have for social proof. It lets you show real-time customer feedback and activity on your site, like recent purchases or sign-ups. It’s like having a virtual crowd cheering on your products!


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Add Social Proof & Urgency to your website

Feature Customer Reviews and Ratings: Don’t be afraid! Put those glowing reviews front and center on your landing pages and product pages. Encourage customers to leave feedback and show both positive and negative comments to be authentic.

Use User-Generated Content: Nothing builds trust like seeing real people using and loving your products. Customers should be encouraged to post about their experiences on social media and have their images and videos on your site and marketing materials.

Also see: 9 Black Friday Social Media Post Examples to Boost Sales

Leverage Influencer Testimonials: Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your Black Friday deals and showcase their real experiences with your products.

By showing social proof you’re not just telling customers you’re great, you’re showing them. And that can make all the difference in them buying.


2. Ignoring the Pre-Game

Many businesses focus all their energy on Black Friday itself.

It’s like studying for a final exam the night before – you might pass, but you won’t get an.

The smart online retailers know Black Friday success is built weeks before the big day.

Examples of this pre-game fail

Launching Black Friday campaigns at the last minute. By then your competitors have already got the attention of holiday shoppers.

Missing out on early birds. Some customers are ready to pounce on deals weeks in advance. Don’t leave them hanging!

Failing to build hype and anticipation. Black Friday should be an event, not just another sale.

The Solution: Get the Party Started Early

Early Bird Offers: Reward your loyal customers with exclusive early access to Black Friday deals or special discounts for email subscribers.

Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers to create pre-Black Friday buzz and give your campaigns a boost.

Teaser Campaigns: Use social media and email marketing to drop hints about upcoming deals, create suspense and get your audience excited for the big day.

Think of the pre-game as your chance to warm up your audience, build momentum and not start the race behind.

Also see: 22 Google Ads Tactics for Black Friday


3. Vague Offers

“50% off everything!” Yeah, it sounds good but generic offers like that can be less effective than targeted ones.

Customers today are smart. They want to feel like they’re getting a real deal, not just a store wide discount.

Examples of vague offer fails

Unclear discount structure. If customers have to work out your promotions they’ll abandon their carts.

Unsexy offers. A blanket discount might not be enough to tempt shoppers who are looking for something more special.

The Solution: Create Irresistible Offers

Tiered Discounts: Offer discounts based on spend thresholds. This encourages customers to spend more to get more.

Compelling Bundles: Create product bundles that offer more value than individual items, to get customers to buy more.

Creative Promotions: Think outside the discount box! Try flash sales, mystery deals or limited time offers to create urgency and excitement.

Remember, clarity is key. Make sure your offers are simple and appealing to your target market.


4. Website Meltdown

Imagine the scene: Black Friday is in full swing and customers are pouring onto your site. Then the unthinkable happens.

Your site crashes and shoppers are left stranded and annoyed. It’s a worst case scenario that can turn your Black Friday into a Black Friday disaster.

Examples of website meltdowns

  • Slow load times on mobile.
  • Product pages or checkout not available.
  • Error messages and server overload.

The Solution: Get Your Site Ready for the Traffic Flood

Load Testing: Simulate Black Friday traffic to find and fix any bottlenecks or performance issues.

Website Optimisation: Optimize your images, simplify your code and implement a content delivery network (CDN) to speed up page load.

Contingency Plans: Have a backup plan in place in case your site crashes. This could be a dedicated failover server or a temporary landing page with limited functionality.

Remember, a seamless online shopping experience is key to converting visitors into customers. Don’t let a website meltdown ruin your Black Friday.


5. Mobile Neglect

Mobile shopping is the norm, especially during the holidays.

You’re missing out on a lot of online sales if your site isn’t mobile friendly.

Examples of mobile neglect

  • Poor mobile experience with tiny buttons and cramped layouts.
  • Slow load times on mobile.
  • No mobile checkout options.

The Solution: Mobile First

Make sure your site is responsive or can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Mobile Testing: Test on different devices and browsers to find and fix issues.

Mobile Page Speed: Optimize images, use a CDN and reduce the number of scripts to speed up mobile load times.

Don’t underestimate mobile shopping. Get your site mobile ready for Black Friday.


6. Shipping Shock

Unexpected shipping costs are a deal killer for many shoppers.

If your shipping fees are high or unclear you’ll see cart abandonment and customer complaints.

Examples of shipping shock

  • High shipping fees not disclosed until checkout.
  • Unclear shipping policies so customers are confused about delivery times and costs.
  • No free shipping options for larger orders.

The Solution: Be Transparent and Competitive with Shipping

Free Shipping (When Possible): Offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount.

Shipping Policy Transparency: Show shipping costs and estimated delivery times on product pages and at checkout.

Alternative Shipping Options: Give customers options to choose from, including express shipping for those who need it.

By being clear and competitive with shipping you can avoid the shipping shock and customer satisfaction.


7. Bad Customer Service

Black Friday is when customer service demands will be at an all time high.

If your team isn’t prepared to handle the influx of queries and support requests you’ll lose customers and damage your brand.

Examples of bad customer service

  • Slow response to customer queries.
  • Limited support channels, e.g. no live chat or phone support.
  • Rude or unhelpful customer service reps.

The Solution: Supercharge Your Customer Support Team

Extra Staff: Hire more customer service reps to handle the Black Friday load.

Live Chat Support: Offer live chat for quick and easy support.

Comprehensive FAQs: Create a FAQ section to answer common questions and reduce support workload.

Remember, your customer service team is the face of your brand on Black Friday. Make sure they’re equipped to deliver amazing service and turn frustrations into positives.


8. Missing the Long Game

Black Friday is a revenue generator but it’s also an opportunity to build long term customer relationships.

Don’t get so caught up in the immediate sales you forget to nurture your customer base.

Examples of missing the long game

  • Focusing only on the sale and not collecting data for future marketing.
  • Not following up with customers after Black Friday to thank them for their purchase.
  • No post Black Friday promotions or incentives.

The Solution: Build Relationships and Drive Repeat Business

Data Capture: Collect customer data, email addresses and purchase history to use for future marketing.

Post Black Friday Follow-Ups: Send personalized thank you emails to customers who bought on Black Friday. Include a special offer or discount to get them to come back.

Also see: 9 Black Friday Subject Line Examples (+ GPT Prompts)

Contests and Giveaways: Run contests and giveaways to engage and build loyalty.

By missing the long game you can turn Black Friday into a growth opportunity.


9. Forgetting the “Giving Back” Angle

In today’s socially conscious world consumers will support brands that are making a positive impact on the world.

By including a “giving back” element in your Black Friday campaign you can boost your brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Examples of forgetting the “giving back” angle

  • Not partnering with a charity or non-profit.
  • Not donating a portion of proceeds to a relevant cause.
  • Not showcasing ethical and sustainable practices.

The Solution: Be Corporate Socially Responsible

Partner with a Charity: Partner with a charity or non-profit that fits your brand values.

Donate a Portion of Proceeds: Donate a portion of Black Friday sales to a relevant cause.

Highlight Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Show off your ethical sourcing and sustainable practices.

By being corporate socially responsible you can show you care and build a stronger connection with your customers.


Black Friday is a big opportunity for online retailers to make sales and revenue.

But with big opportunity comes big responsibility. By avoiding these 9 mistakes you’ll have a successful Black Friday and set yourself up for growth.

Remember, the secret to Black Friday success is to plan ahead, be clear and transparent and put the customer first.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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