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Effective Social Proof Ads
That Grow Conversion

Social Proof Advertising Strategies That Grow Conversion

Social proof advertising taps into the innate human desire to follow others’ lead, making it a potent tool for driving conversions and growing an online business.

92% of consumers look at reviews and know people’s opinions who already buy products before buying a product.

Sounds familiar?

Social proof is a powerful phenomenon that influences people through the actions and opinions of others. When it comes to advertising, leveraging social proof can help to raise conversions.

You can build trust and drive more sales by strategically showcasing how other customers love your product or service.

This content explores social proof advertising with examples and how it can help grow your marketing campaigns.

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What are Social Proof Ads?

Social proof ads showcase other people’s positive experiences and opinions to influence potential customers. These ads rely on the influence of other’s actions and opinions to encourage potential customers to purchase or engage with a brand.

Unlike traditional advertising, which focuses on conveying product features and benefits, social proof ads leverage the power of word-of-mouth from real customers or influences.

You build trust by showcasing positive feedback, reviews, and user-generated content, making your brand more persuasive.

What is Social Proof in Advertising?

Social proof refers to the psychological concept that people copy the actions of others that guide their own behavior in a particular situation. The concept is rooted in the idea that it must be the right thing if others are doing it.

It leverages the positive experience of others to influence potential customers. Essentially, showing customers that others trust and enjoy your product or service, which, in turn, encourages them to do the same.

Here are a few ways social proof advertising positively impacts your eCommerce sales.

  • Increase Conversion rates
  • Improve brand credibility
  • Lower Acquisition Cost
  • Higher Average Order Value

Why Do Social Proof Advertising Works?

Social proof works on the idea that people depend on other people’s guidance to make decisions. In short, it’s the idea that people are more likely to do something if they see others doing it.

When consumers see that your brand’s product or service is popular, they reduce their perceived risk and increase their likelihood of purchase. Several psychological factors contribute to the power of social proof ads.

  • Bandwagon Effect: People tend to adopt certain behaviors or trends because other people are doing so. When consumers see others have positively reviewed your brand, potential customers are more likely to fit in or avoid missing out.
  • Heuristics: People often use mental shortcuts to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Social proof is a heuristic simplifying decision-making by providing evidence that others already loved the product.
  • Authority and Trust: Getting an endorsement from influencers or experts significantly boosts credibility and trust among consumers, making them more receptive to the product.
  • Social Validation: Positive reviews and testimonials validate a product’s quality and effectiveness, reducing uncertainty among potential consumers.
  • Scarcity and Urgency: Highlighting limited-time offers or high demand creates a sense of urgency among the customers and encourages them to take immediate action.

These psychological drivers can effectively influence customer behavior and make higher conversions.

Types of Social Proof to Use in Advertising

Marketers can utilize social proof as a powerful marketing tool in virtually every channel, platform, or product page. There are several ways to incorporate social proof into your advertising campaignsSocial Proof Advertisings

  • Testimonials and Reviews: These are the most direct forms of social proof, showcasing real customers’ experiences. Video testimonials can be particularly impactful, adding a human element and building trust.
  • Expert Endorsements: Partnerships with industrial experts or influencers can significantly boost your product’s credibility. Expert social proof adds authority and builds trust in your brand. However, select influencers who align with your brand’s value and resonate with your target customers.
  • User-Generated Content: Leveraging content created by satisfied customers is a powerful way to build authority and community. UGC can take various forms, including photos, videos, reviews, and social media posts. It’s essential to encourage existing customers to share their experiences.
  • Popularity Indicators: Highlight different metrics like bestsellers, limited availability, or high demand to create a sense of urgency and desirability among the customers. These psychological triggers, called scarcity, can drive impulsive purchases.
  • Social Media Proof: Showcasing social media metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and follower counts can highlight your brand’s popularity and enhance trust. Consider using social media widgets on your website to showcase real-time engagement.
  • Celebrity Social proof: While a celebrity endorsement can generate brand awareness and desire, choose a celebrity who genuinely aligns with your brand and whose values resonate with your target audience.
  • Awards and Certifications: External validation from third-party organizations can make your brand, product, or service more credible. Awards, press mentions, and certification are more effective ways to amplify the impact significantly.
  • Case Studies and Customer Stories: These show the real-time impact of your product or service on solving a common issue. These social proofs typically focus on your target audience’s problems and share the results your ideal customers want to achieve.

These are a few social proof advertising ideas to incorporate into your advertising campaigns. Creating a compelling narrative can make trust, credibility, and conversions raise.

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Social Proof Advertising Strategy

Now that we understand the different types of social proof, let’s dive into how to craft compelling ads.

Here’s a structured approach to developing effective social proof advertising tactics.

Collect Genuine Social Proof

Building trust among the customer is crucial. Ensure the social proof you showcase is genuine and represents real customer experience by avoiding overly scripted or staged content.

Encourage customers to share their experiences through reviews, testimonials, and photos by offering them incentives or rewards to boost participation. Use platforms like Google Reviews, Yelp, or Trustpilot to collect and showcase reviews.

Choose the Right Type of Social Proof

Make sure to align with your audience’s preferences and values when selecting the type of social proof. For example, younger audiences may respond better to influencer marketing, while older might trust customer reviews more.

Moreover, ensure the type of social proof aligns with your product or service. For example, a luxury product might benefit from celebrity endorsements, while a tech product might rely on expert reviews.

Design Tips

To maximize the impact of your social proof ads, use design visuals that communicate the social proof image. Use high-quality images, videos, and persuasive copy to grab attention and build credibility.

Moreover, showcase clear and conscious messaging to build trust and boost sales, providing the customers love your products. Ensure it’s consistent with your brand’s visual identity, including color, fonts, and logos. Whenever possible, highlight real-time photos of customers or clients instead of using stock images.

Make sure the design is responsive and mobile-friendly for maximum reach.

Copywriting Tips

Ensure your ad copies are specific by sharing compelling stories about how your product or service has helped others. Communicate the benefits mentioned by the customers rather than just showcasing the features.

Use direct quotes from customer testimonials to add authenticity to your ads. This fosters a deep bond with your audience and encourages viewers to take the desired action, whether purchasing, signing up for the newsletter, or requesting more information.

Use storytelling in your copies, as narratives are more engaging than plain statements. Share the customer’s journey and how the product or service helped them transform or solve the problem. Get to the points quickly and effectively.

Placement and Timing

Where you place your social proof ads matters; positioning them in high-traffic areas creates the most impact, such as on landing pages, product pages, and checkout pages, which are prime locations.

Moreover, use customer reviews in your retargeting ads to reassure and persuade users who have previously visited your site. Try placing it in different places to discover which resonates most with your audience.

Display your social proof ads during key decision-making moments in the customer journey, such as after a product launch or during a sale.

Leverage UGC

User-generated content serves as a convincing form of social proof. Encourage your customers to share the amazing experience while using your product or service using branded hashtags on different social media channels.

Showcase this content in your ads to demonstrate real-world usage.

Also See: A/B Testing Social Proof Ideas to Optimize Your Store’s Conversion

A/B Testing for Optimization

Performing A/B testing on various ad variations might help optimize your strategy. Experiment with different types of social proof, ad copies, placements, and other design elements to find the most effective combination. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and dedicated platforms to gain valuable insights into ad performances.

Tracks key performance indicators and analyzes the data. Some metrics include Click-through rate, engagement rate, Return on Investment, and conversion rate. By consistently monitoring these metrics and making data-driven adjustments, you can maximize the impact of your social proof ads.

Creating an effective social proof ad involves collecting feedback, choosing the right type of social proof for your audiences, designing visually appealing ads, and strategic placement to maximize the impact.

By following these tips, you can create ads that build trust, enhance credibility, and increase conversions for your brand.

Let’s focus on some examples of social proof.

Social Proof Advertising Examples

Let’s explore some social proof examples to illustrate their effectiveness.

1. Live Visitor Notifications

A brand can display real-time notifications indicating the number of visitors currently browsing. These notifications create a sense of urgency and popularity among the visitors, encouraging others to make a quick purchase.

For example, an eCommerce store could display a popup like “3 people are currently viewing this product” on a popular landing page or product page. These types of notifications can also be shown in social proof ads, retargeting ads, social media ads, and email marketing.

Live Visitor Notifications

2. Review Notifications

Display recent positive review notifications from customers in ads to build trust and credibility. YOu can show reviews collected from platforms like Google, Facebook, Capterra, and many more. Let your customer speak about your product or service with review notifications.

For example, a hotel booking site displays an ad featuring a notification, “Any from Los Angeles just left a 5-star review for this hotel.” That provides reassurance to prospective travelers and customers.

Review Notifications

3. Conversion Notifications

Showing conversion notifications about recent purchases creates a bandwagon effect and motivates others to buy. For example, a fashion eCommerce site features an ad popup saying, “Alex from New York just purchased these shoes,” prompting the visitors to consider making a purchase decision due to popularity.

Conversion Notifications

Conversion notification popups can be displayed on different ads, such as retargeting, search, and display ads, to grab the customer’s attention.

4. Video Popups

Video popups are popular ways to display video testimonials from satisfied customers to provide engaging and personal social proof. For example, a fitness brand runs an ad and a video popup of a customer explaining how their workout routine improved with their product.

Video Popups

That adds extra credibility and a personal touch to influencing the customers.

5. Sales Popups

Sales popups can be very effective tools for leveraging social proof. You can create a sense of customer urgency and scarcity by displaying real-time sales or limited-time offers.

You can display recent sales, highlight limited-time offers, offer exclusive discounts, and highlight product demand. For example, an electronic retailer shows a popup that says, “5 units sold in the last hour,” encouraging potential buyers to purchase quickly before items get sold out.

Sales Popups

6. CTA Widgets

Strategically placing CTAs alongside social cues can significantly boost your sales. For instance, after displaying social proof, include a CTA button or CTA widget that says “shop now” or “learn more.”

CTA Widgets

Moreover, you can add countdown timers or limited quantity indicators with the CTA widget to create a sense of urgency. For example, “Join over 20,000+ happy subscribers.”

7. Social Media Counter

Use ads to display the number of likes, comments, shares, and subscribers on different social media platforms, showcasing popularity and credibility. The visual representation of popularity can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

For example, a skincare brand can run an ad highlighting the follower count with a banner saying, “Join our 5,00,000 followers on Instagram!”

Social Media Counter

These examples demonstrate how effectively incorporating social proof into your advertising can enhance trust, build credibility, and drive conversions.


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Add Social Proof & Urgency to your website


Social proof advertising is a powerful psychological phenomenon in the modern market. You can build trust, influence purchase decisions, and grow sales by leveraging it in marketing.

Incorporating social proof into your advertising strategy, whether through testimonials, endorsements, or social media proof, can significantly create buzz, enhance effectiveness, and lead to great success.

Knowing that your product or service is compatible with the product or service a potential customer is already using is a great selling point. Still, it also makes your business seem more robust and trusted.


Social proof ads are advertisements that use feedback or actions from other people to convince you to buy something. Unlike traditional ads, which focus only on product features and benefits, social proof ads showcase positive testimonials, feedback, and reviews from existing customers.



You can add testimonials & reviews, endorsements from influencers or experts, user-generated content, social media proofs, and recognitions from third-party websites.

To gather genuine social proof, you can ask your customers for testimonials and reviews. Use platforms like Google, Yelp, or third-party sites to encourage customers to share their experiences.

Place social proof ads strategically where they can have the most impact, such as on landing pages, product pages, or during checkout.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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