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Social Proof Tools
To boost sales

How to Use Social Proof Tools to Boost Sales in 2024

You’re about to buy that cool new gadget online but something stops you.

  • Is it really as good as the reviews say?
  • Is it worth the money?

Then a little notification pops up: “Just now, John from Seattle added this to his cart!”

Now you feel more confident. After all, if John wants it, it must be good, right? That, my friend, is social proof.

It’s not just a feeling either. Studies show 92% of people trust recommendations from others, even strangers!

And get this: social proof software can increase your conversions by 18%. Because these tools tap into our natural instinct to follow the crowd.

An automated social proof solution can seamlessly integrate with various applications, showcasing real-time user engagement like recent purchases and product reviews, giving you that extra push of confidence that turns browsers into buyers.


Boost Conversion Instantly

Add Social Proof & Urgency to your website


What is Social Proof?

Before we get into the tools, let’s define social proof. It’s the simple idea that people are more likely to act when they see others acting.

Think of a busy restaurant vs an empty one.

We assume the busy restaurant is better because other people seem to like it.

Online social proof can take many forms:

Customer Testimonials: Real people sharing their positive experiences with your product or service.

Reviews: Star ratings and written reviews on Google, Yelp or your own website.

Social Media Shares: Seeing your product or content shared by others on social media.

Activity Notifications: Real-time notifications showing others are looking at or buying the same product you’re looking at.

These methods help display social proof, enhancing trust and credibility among potential buyers.

Why is Social Proof Important for Online Businesses?

In the online world, trust is key. Unlike a physical store where customers can see and touch products, online shoppers rely on information and perception.

Social proof tools provide a way to bridge that trust gap by showcasing testimonials and user-generated content, which can significantly influence consumer behavior and boost conversions. This means:

  • Increased Conversions: People will buy if they see others have bought and loved the product.
  • Reduced Purchase Anxiety: Social proof reduces doubts and concerns, making customers feel more confident in their buying decisions.
  • Better Brand Perception: Showing social proof makes your brand look more credible.

Benefits of Social Proof Marketing

Social proof marketing is a powerful strategy that can significantly impact your business’s bottom line.

By leveraging the power of social proof, you can build trust and credibility with potential customers, drive more conversions, and ultimately boost sales.

Here are some key benefits of social proof marketing:

Increased Trust and Credibility: Social proof helps establish trust and credibility by showcasing the positive experiences and opinions of other customers. When potential customers see that others have had good experiences with your brand, they are more likely to trust and buy from you.

Improved Conversions: Leveraging social proof can increase the likelihood of converting website visitors into paying customers. Seeing real-time social proof notifications, such as recent purchases or sign-ups, can nudge visitors towards making a purchase.

Enhanced Brand Reputation: Displaying positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can enhance your brand’s reputation. It shows that your products or services are reliable and valued by others.

Competitive Advantage: In a crowded market, social proof can give you a competitive edge. By showcasing your popularity and customer satisfaction, you can stand out from competitors who may not be leveraging social proof as effectively.

Increased Sales: Ultimately, the goal of social proof marketing is to drive more sales and revenue. By building trust, improving conversions, and enhancing your brand reputation, social proof can significantly boost your sales figures.

What is the Best Social Proof Marketing Software?

There are many social proof tools available, each with its own strengths and features. One popular option is Wisernotify.

Wisernotify tool

Why Wisernotify?

Easy to Use: Wisernotify is super easy to use, even for non-techy people. You can set up and customize your social proof notifications in minutes.

Powerful Features: Wisernotify has many features including AB testing, advanced targeting, best customer support and more.

Customizable: You can customize your notifications to match your brand.

Integrations: Wisernotify integrates with 200+ platforms like Shopify, WordPress, WooCommerce.

Here are more tools: 11 Proven Social Proof Tools to Boost Sales

Social Proof Tools to Try

Let’s get into some of the best social proof tools Wisernotify has to offer.

1. Inline Social Proof

Inline social proof can be seamlessly integrated throughout the customer journey, including on product pages, product detail pages, and checkout pages.

By displaying how many people are viewing and purchasing items, this feature enhances credibility and trust, reassuring customers of their buying decisions.

Example 1:

Here’s what inline recent purchase notifications look like on a product details page—encouraging, right? You can further customize these notifications to better suit your needs.

Example 2:

This example uses “Hot!” and “🔥” emojis to highlight a product’s popularity and includes specific numbers to make it more convincing.

Example 3:

This example leverages real-time data to create a sense of urgency and scarcity.

Inline social proof is a subtle yet powerful way to build trust and encourage conversions.

It works by seamlessly integrating customer testimonials and reviews directly into your website copy, providing relevant social proof at the moment of decision.

Because it blends naturally with your content, it’s not as intrusive as popups or banners.

Seeing real people endorse your products increases credibility and gives potential buyers more confidence in their purchase decisions.


Keep your inline social proof short and sweet. A short quote or a snippet of a review works best.

2. Recent Sales Popup

Recent sales popups are a type of social proof tool that displays small notifications of recent purchases on your website, showing visitors that others are buying your products in real-time.

This image shows how these popups can be adapted for different industries.

Recent sales popups are a fantastic way to boost conversions by tapping into the power of FOMO and social proof.

When visitors see that others are buying your products in real-time, it creates a sense of urgency and validates their interest.

It’s like saying, “Don’t miss out, everyone else is already on board!”

These popups also make your website feel more dynamic and engaging, grabbing attention and encouraging immediate action.

3. User Reviews

Showcasing user reviews on your website is a powerful way to build trust.

This image shows how you can display user reviews in a nice and informative way.

User reviews are essential for building trust and credibility with potential customers.

Positive reviews act as a powerful endorsement, showing that others have had good experiences with your products or services.

They also provide valuable information to potential buyers, helping them make informed decisions.

Plus, user reviews can even boost your search engine rankings by providing fresh, relevant content for search engines to index.

To make user reviews more effective:

  • Ask Customers to Leave Reviews: Make it easy for happy customers to share their feedback.
  • Show Real Reviews: Display reviews that are genuine and believable.
  • Respond to Reviews: Engage with customers who leave reviews, positive and negative.

4. Recent Sign-ups

Similar to recent sales popups, recent sign-up notifications show visitors that others are joining your email list, community or online course.

This image shows how you can customize these notifications for different niches.

Recent sign-up notifications are a clever way to leverage the “herd mentality” and boost your email list or community growth.

When website visitors see that others are signing up, it encourages them to join the party.

It’s like seeing a long line outside a club – you automatically assume it must be worth checking out!

These notifications also contribute to a sense of community, showing that you have an active and engaged audience.

Plus, they’re a fantastic way to capture leads and build relationships with potential customers.

5. Live Visitor Count

Live visitor counts show the number of people currently on your website or a specific landing page.

This image shows how you can use live visitor counts across different niches.

Live visitor counts are a simple but effective way to showcase your website’s popularity and create a sense of excitement.

When visitors see that others are actively browsing your site or checking out a specific product, it creates a feeling of “I’m part of something buzzing!”

This can be especially effective for time-sensitive offers, as it adds a layer of urgency and encourages visitors to take action before it’s too late.

6. Announcement

Announcements are a good way to share news, promotions or updates with your website visitors.

This image shows how you can use announcements to highlight important info.

Announcements are a versatile tool for capturing attention and driving engagement on your website.

Whether you’re promoting a limited-time offer, announcing a new product launch, or simply sharing exciting news with your audience, a well-crafted announcement can make a big impact.

They can create a sense of urgency, encourage immediate action, or keep your audience informed and excited about what’s happening with your brand.

7. Youtube Subscribers

Showcasing your Youtube subscriber count on your website is a great form of social proof especially if you have a big and active following.

This image shows how you can display your Youtube subscriber count.

Displaying your YouTube subscriber count is a smart way to leverage your channel’s success and build credibility with your website visitors.

A high subscriber count signals that you’re a trusted source of information in your niche and that people find your content valuable and engaging.

It’s like a virtual stamp of approval that says, “Hey, we know what we’re talking about, and others agree!”

This not only builds trust with potential customers but can also drive traffic to your YouTube channel, further expanding your audience and reach.



What More Does WiserNotify Offer?

Okay, I know what you’re thinking: “Those social proof tools are cool and all, but that’s it?” Nope!

Wisernotify has many other features to help you increase conversions and sales.

Here are a few more goodies:

8. Countdown Timer

Remember that feeling when you see a “limited-time offer” and suddenly feel the urge to buy? That’s the power of scarcity and urgency and countdown timers are a great way to create it.

Countdown timers are a powerful tool for driving conversions by creating a sense of urgency and scarcity.

As the clock ticks down, potential customers feel compelled to take action before it’s too late.

This is especially effective for limited-time offers, as it highlights the fact that the opportunity won’t be around forever.

By visually emphasizing the limited availability of a product or service, countdown timers can also increase its perceived value, making customers more likely to make a purchase.

Where to Use Countdown Timers:

  • Sales and Promotions: Use them to highlight flash sales, limited time discounts or early bird offers.
  • Webinars and Online Courses: Make people sign up before the event starts by showing a countdown to the start date.
  • Product Launches: Build hype for a new product launch with a countdown timer.

You can add these countdown timers to product pages, landing pages, and sidebar popups.

9. Call to Actions

Want to make it super clear what you want visitors to do? Add a call to action (CTA) to your social proof notifications.

For the first row:

Call back: “Want to speak to a real person? Request a call back!” (Add a button that says “Request Call Back”)

Video popup: “See it in action! Watch a quick video demo.” (Add a button that says “Watch Demo”)

All in one: “Streamline your marketing! Explore our all-in-one solution.” (Add a button that says “Learn More”)

For the second row:

Whatsapp: “Get instant support! Chat with us on WhatsApp.” (Add a button that says “Chat on WhatsApp”)

Latest Offers: “Don’t miss out! See our latest deals and offers.” (Add a button that says “View Offers”)

To make your CTAs even more effective, think about adding a sense of urgency, highlighting a key benefit, and using strong action verbs.

For example, instead of simply saying “Request a call back,” you could say “Limited time offer! Request a call back before it’s too late.”

This creates a sense of urgency and encourages visitors to take action immediately.

Alternatively, you could highlight a benefit, like “Get expert advice! Request a call back and get your questions answered.”

Finally, using strong action verbs like “Grab” or “Watch” can make your CTAs more compelling and encourage clicks.

10. Email Collection Form

Having an email list is crucial for any online business. With Wisernotify you can add an email collection form to your social proof notifications.

Adding an email collection form to your social proof notifications is like a two-for-one deal!

You get to leverage the power of social proof to grow your email list, capturing leads right at the moment they’re most engaged with your brand.

Seeing others interact with your site can make visitors more likely to sign up for your emails, too.

And once they’re on your list, you can nurture those relationships, provide valuable content, and promote your products or services, turning those leads into loyal customers.

11. Social Media Counter

Show off your social media following! Displaying your social media follower count can be a great form of instant social proof especially if you have a large and active audience.

Social media counters are a great way to show off your brand’s popularity and build credibility with potential customers.

A high follower count acts as an instant indicator of your online presence and influence, showing that people are interested in what you have to offer.

This, in turn, increases trust, as visitors see that others find your brand valuable and worth following.

Plus, by prominently displaying your social media counts, you can encourage website visitors to connect with you on those social media platforms, expanding your reach and building stronger relationships with your audience.

12. Social Wall

A social wall is a live feed of social media content from your customers and followers.

A social wall is a fantastic way to bring your brand’s social media presence to life on your website.

By curating and displaying user-generated content, you can highlight positive customer experiences, encourage interaction with your brand on social media, and foster a sense of community around your products or services.

It’s like creating a vibrant hub where your audience can connect with each other and your brand, amplifying your social media efforts and strengthening relationships with your followers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Social Proof Tools

While social proof tools can be incredibly effective, there are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure they work to your advantage:

Not Customizing Social Proof Notifications: Failing to customize your social proof notifications can make them appear generic and insincere. Tailor your notifications to match your brand’s voice and style for a more authentic feel.

Not Using Real-Time Data: Using outdated or irrelevant data can make your social proof notifications less effective. Ensure your notifications are based on real-time data to maintain their relevance and impact.

Not Targeting the Right Audience: Social proof notifications should be targeted to the right audience. Failing to do so can make them appear irrelevant or uninteresting. Use segmentation and targeting features to ensure your notifications reach the right people.

Not Using Social Proof Tools Strategically: Simply using social proof tools without a strategy can lead to ineffective results. Plan how and where to use these tools to maximize their impact on your website conversions.

Not Monitoring and Analyzing Results: To determine the effectiveness of your social proof tools, it’s crucial to monitor and analyze the results. Track your conversion rates and make adjustments as needed to optimize your social proof strategy.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your social proof tools are working effectively to boost your website conversions and drive profits.


Now you should know how these tools work and why they’re important for any online business.

Remember, it’s all about choosing the right social proof app and notifications for you and using them wisely.

Don’t bombard your website visitors with too many notifications.

Instead, provide valuable and relevant social proof that builds trust and converts.


Ready to try these social proof marketing strategies all out?

Go ahead and try Wisernotify and test different notification types to see what works for you.

And don’t forget to track your results! Monitor your conversion rates and make adjustments as needed to optimize your social proof strategy.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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