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Push Notification CTAs

73+ Call to Action Examples with Action Points in 2024

Call-to-action elements on your website are more than just buttons or links; they are the key to turning visitors into customers.

A Persuasive CTA can significantly increase your conversion rate and effectively guide users from interest to action.

The magic of a well-crafted CTA lies in its clarity and ability to resonate with your audience.

It reduces confusion, highlights the value of your offer, and encourages immediate action.

This not only improves user experience but also directly impacts your conversion rates by:

  • Simplifying Decision Making: Clear CTAs guide users effortlessly toward taking action.
  • Highlighting Benefits: They communicate what’s in it for the user, making your offer irresistible.
  • Creating Urgency: Effective CTAs prompt users to act now, leveraging the power of urgency.

Effective CTAs are the heart of engaging user experiences.

They do more than just look appealing; they connect with your visitors on a personal level, addressing their needs and motivations.

By combining smoothly with your content and design, CTAs turn passive browsing into active engagement, driving conversions.

Understanding the Basics of CTA Buttons

When we talk about the engine that drives users towards making a decision on a website, Call to Action buttons are at the forefront.

These buttons are more than just parts of a marketing strategy; they’re the triggers that prompt users to move from one stage of their journey to the next.

What is a Call to Action (CTA)?

A Call to Action is precisely what its name suggests: it’s an invitation or a prompt for the user to take a specific step.

This could range from downloading a guide, signing up for a newsletter, to making a purchase.

CTA buttons are the tools that deliver this invitation in a clear, concise manner.

Related: 10 Best Call To Action (CTA) Tools to Help Raise Conversions

They’re the tap on the shoulder that says, “Hey, do this next!” in a sea of digital content.

The Role of CTAs in the Customer Journey

Imagine the customer journey as a path through a dense forest.

CTAs are the signals along this path.

They guide users from the initial awareness of your product or service through the consideration phase and towards the final decision to take action.

Each CTA is a step on this journey, designed to move the user closer to the ultimate goal, whether that’s a sale, a subscription, or engagement with content.

Understanding Your Target Audience

The effectiveness of a CTA button hinges on its ability to resonate with the target audience.

It’s not just about what you want them to do; it’s about presenting that action in a way that speaks to their desires, needs, and preferences.

This requires a deep understanding of who your audience is, what they value, and the problems they’re looking to solve.

Adjusting CTAs to meet these specific criteria makes the action feel more relevant and personal, significantly increasing the likelihood of clicks and engagement.

Related: 150+ Powerful Call to Action Phrases for Conversion in 2024

73+ Call to Action Examples with Action Points

As we explore what makes CTAs pivotal for businesses, it’s essential to examine real-world call to action examples that have set the standard for success.

The world of eCommerce, with its wide array of products and services, provides a wealth of inspiration for crafting compelling calls to action examples.

Call to Action Examples in eCommerce

1. Amazon – “Add to Cart”

Amazon "Add to cart" Call to action example Website Screenshot

Amazon’s “Add to Cart” CTA stands as a paragon of simplicity, elegantly guiding website visitors toward making a purchase.

This button is a fundamental part of the online shopping experience.

It is designed to minimize hesitation by making the action to proceed straightforward and clear.

It leverages familiar language and an intuitive design, reducing any potential friction in the path to purchase.

Call to action examples like this demonstrate the importance of clarity and ease of use.

Action Point: Make sure your purchase CTAs are clear, concise, and prominently placed. Use familiar terms that signal direct action, like “Add to Cart,” to streamline the shopping process for your target audience.

2. Zara – “Shop Now”

Zara’s “Shop Now” CTA captures the essence of immediacy and style, calling shoppers to explore their latest collections.

This approach taps into the impulse buying tendencies of fashion enthusiasts, making it a great example of a compelling CTA.

The CTA is both an invitation and a prompt, designed to convert interest into action rapidly.

Effective call to action examples often leverage a sense of urgency to spur users into action.

Action Point: Use action-oriented language for your CTAs that convey urgency and relevance, especially when highlighting new arrivals or trends.

3. Sephora – “Get 50% Off Now”

Sephora CTA Example

Sephora’s “Get 50% Off Now” is an excellent call to action example for marketing campaigns aiming to quickly attract website visitors.

Also see: Nudge Marketing Playbook (Checklist, Tools and Examples)

Its CTA button leverages the charm of savings, combining a significant discount with the urgency of a limited-time offer.

This powerful mix not only attracts beauty enthusiasts but also prompts quick decision-making.

It’s a strategic move that capitalizes on the consumer’s desire to grab a deal before it’s gone.

Action Point: When offering promotions, encourage customers by highlighting both the value of the offer and its temporary nature to create urgency. Words like “Now” can be pivotal (urgency tactics).

Must Read: 10 Impactful Push Notification CTA Examples to Use in 2024

4. Blue Apron – “Claim Your Free Sample”

Blue Apron’s approach to inviting users to try a free sample lowers the initial commitment barrier, captivating new customers with a taste of what they can expect.

This CTA is particularly effective for subscription-based services, as it provides a risk-free way to experience the service, setting the stage for long-term engagement.

Action Point: For subscription services, consider offering a free trial or sample to encourage sign-ups. Highlight the no-cost aspect to attract hesitant prospects.

5. Best Buy – “See Customer Reviews”

Best Buy Call to Action Example Website Screenshot

By encouraging shoppers to “See Customer Reviews,” Best Buy addresses the need for trust and transparency in the purchase process.

This CTA not only builds confidence in the product but also in the brand, as it demonstrates a commitment to openness and customer satisfaction.

Action Point: Using CTAs that guide potential customers to reviews or testimonials, reinforcing trust and supporting their decision-making process.

6. Nike – “Unlock Member Discounts”

Nike’s “Unlock Member Discounts” CTA creates a sense of exclusivity and value by inviting users to join its membership program.

This strategy not only fosters a community around the brand but also offers tangible benefits, encouraging engagement and loyalty.

Action Point: Use CTAs to highlight the benefits of joining your membership program. Ensure the value proposition is clear and enticing.

7. Apple – “Reserve your new iPhone now”

Iphone Call to Action Example Website Screenshot

Apple’s “Reserve your new iPhone now” CTA capitalizes on anticipation and exclusivity, which is especially effective for new product launches.

It creates a sense of urgency and privilege, encouraging brand enthusiasts to act quickly to be among the first to own the latest gadget.

Action Point: For new product launches, create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with pre-order CTAs. Make customers feel they are getting privileged access.

Related: Top 6 Mobile CTA Buttons That Drive More Clicks & Conversions in 2024

8. Etsy – “Discover New Arrivals”

Etsy’s “Discover New Arrivals” CTA taps into the curiosity and desire for uniqueness among its users.

It invites exploration and engagement, perfectly aligning with the marketplace’s ethos of offering unique, handmade, or vintage items.

Action Point: Craft CTAs that encourage discovery and exploration, especially if your platform offers a wide range of unique products or services.

9. Starbucks – “Rewards”

Starbucks CTA Example Homepage Screenshot

Starbucks uses the “Rewards” CTA to highlight the benefits of engaging with their brand beyond the purchase.

This approach incentivizes participation in their rewards program, improving customer loyalty and repeat business.

Action Point: Highlight the long-term benefits of engaging with your brand through loyalty CTA’s. Make the rewards clear and compelling.

10. Walmart – “Clearance is here!”

Walmart CTA Example

Walmart’s “Clearance is here!” CTA is a straightforward invitation to savings, directing customers to deals and discounts.

It’s an effective strategy for driving traffic to specific products or categories, leveraging the universal appeal of saving money.

Action Point: Use clear and direct CTAs to guide customers to discounted items or sales. The promise of savings is always a strong motivator.

Call to Action Examples in Online Coaching

11. MasterClass – “Start Learning Today”

MasterClass’s “Start Learning Today” is an excellent call to action example for platforms offering expert-led content. It is a simple CTA that effectively uses an action verb to motivate visitors.

It invites potential learners with a CTA that’s both an invitation and a nudge toward self-improvement…

This CTA is effective because it positions starting today as the first step toward gaining knowledge from world-renowned experts.

It’s direct, encouraging immediate action and leveraging the appeal of instant access to expertise.

Action Point: Highlight immediate action in your CTAs to motivate quick engagement, especially for platforms offering expert-led content.

12. Coursera – “Join Our Community”

Coursera’s CTA focuses on the communal aspect of learning, highlighting the added value of joining a global community of learners.

It’s a powerful motivator for those seeking not just education but also belonging and interaction with peers.

Action Point: Highlight the community aspect of your service. Use CTAs that invite users to join and contribute to a larger group, fostering a sense of belonging.

13. Tony Robbins – “Book Your Free Session”

Life coaching platforms like Tony Robbins’ offer a “Book Your Free Session” CTA, which reduces the barrier to entry for new clients.

It’s an effective way to introduce users to the coaching experience without immediate financial commitment, making the first step feel risk-free.

Action Point: Offer a free trial or session through your CTAs to encourage users to experience your service firsthand, reducing hesitance and building trust.

14. Udemy – “Download Course Syllabus”

Udemy’s CTA offers a tangible takeaway in the form of a course syllabus, providing value before a purchase is made.

This approach is informative and helps users make educated decisions based on detailed course content.

Action Point: Use informative CTAs that clearly explain what potential customers are getting, increasing transparency and trust.

15. Skillshare – “Subscribe for Tips”

Skillshare’s CTA for subscribing to tips and special offers serves dual purposes: it educates and attracts.

By offering value beyond their courses, they build a relationship with the user and position themselves as a source of ongoing learning and opportunities.

Action Point: Consider CTAs that offer ongoing value through tips, insights, or exclusive offers, keeping your audience engaged over time.

16. Codecademy – “Claim Your Spot”

“Claim Your Spot” creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency for Codecademy’s courses or challenges.

It’s particularly effective for events or courses with limited availability, encouraging prompt action.

Action Point: Create a sense of urgency with your CTAs for time-sensitive offers or limited spots to motivate immediate action.

17. Khan Academy – “Start Learning Today”

Similar to MasterClass, Khan Academy’s CTA highlights the immediacy of beginning a learning journey.

It’s effective because it makes starting to feel accessible and straightforward, appealing to learners’ desire for immediate progress.

Action Point: Use direct and action-oriented CTAs that make starting a new learning journey easy and immediate, reducing barriers to entry.

18. TED-Ed – “Join Our Community”

TED-Ed’s invitation to join their community is about more than just accessing content; it’s about engaging with ideas and discussions.

This CTA encourages deeper engagement, appealing to users’ desire for intellectual community and growth.

Action Point: Use CTAs that highlight the value of joining an intellectual and engaging community, appealing to users’ desire for growth and interaction.

19. Duolingo – “Start Learning Today”

Duolingo’s CTA makes the process of starting a new language feel accessible and immediate.

It appeals to users’ impulses to improve themselves and leverages the universal desire to start now, making procrastination less appealing.

Action Point: Highlight the ease of starting immediately in your CTAs, especially for services that offer personal improvement, like language learning.

Call to Action Examples in Gym & Fitness Centers

20. Peloton – “Start Your Free Trial”

Peloton’s “Start Your Free Trial” is a compelling call to action example that showcases how gym & fitness centers can use action phrases to encourage users to engage with their platform.

This CTA effectively reduces the barrier for new users, making it an appealing choice for those interested in beginning their fitness journey (user engagement).

Action Point: Incorporate a “Start Free Trial” CTA to increase conversions by offering website visitors a risk-free way to experience your services. This strategy not only highlights the free proposal aspect but also aligns with the brand voice of being accessible and customer-centric.

21. Fitness Blender – “Join a Class Today”

Fitness Blender’s “Join a Class Today” CTA emphasizes immediate action, making it a powerful tool to motivate visitors.

It’s a simple CTA that effectively communicates the desired action, inviting users to take the next step in their fitness journey without delay.

Action Point: Use CTAs that clearly specify the action you want the target audience to take. A straightforward call to action like “Join a Class Today” can significantly encourage customers and keep users engaged.

22. Gold’s Gym – “Claim Your Member Gift”

Gold’s Gym uses the promise of a gift to sweeten the deal for new members, making the prospect of joining more attractive.

This CTA not only incentivizes sign-ups but also creates a positive first impression by offering immediate value.

Action Point: Consider adding an incentive to your membership sign-up CTAs. A welcome gift can be a strong motivator and help differentiate your gym from competitors.

23. ClassPass – “Reserve Your Spot”

ClassPass’s CTA creates a sense of urgency by suggesting that spots in fitness classes are limited.

It encourages users to act quickly to secure their place, leveraging the fear of missing out to prompt immediate action.

Action Point: Use CTAs that imply limited availability to encourage quicker decision-making. This is especially effective for classes or services where space is a premium.

24. MyFitnessPal – “Download Workout Plans”

MyFitnessPal offers personalized workout and diet plans, and its CTA invites users to start customizing their fitness journey.

This approach positions the app as a tool for personal growth, appealing to users’ desire for tailored solutions.

Action Point: When your service offers customized plans, emphasize personalization in your CTAs. Highlighting the customized approach can attract users looking for solutions specific to their needs.

25. Planet Fitness – “Join Us Now”

“Join Us Now” from Planet Fitness is straightforward and welcoming, reflecting their brand ethos of being a gym for everyone.

It encourages immediate action without pressure, appealing to those seeking an affordable and accessible gym membership.

Action Point: Use inclusive and straightforward CTAs for services that pride themselves on accessibility and affordability. It can make potential members feel welcomed and valued.

26. Barry’s Bootcamp – “Book a Class”

Barry’s Bootcamp’s CTA to “Book a Class” directly invites potential clients to experience their high-intensity workouts firsthand.

This CTA is effective because it simplifies the action step, directing users straight to the booking process.

Action Point: For services that require booking, ensure your CTA leads directly to the scheduling page. Make the process as smooth as possible to encourage bookings.

27. YMCA – “Discover Our Programs”

The YMCA’s CTA encourages exploration of its wide range of fitness and community programs.

It’s an invitation to learn more about the diverse offerings, appealing to a broad audience with varied interests.

Action Point: Use discovery-oriented CTAs when your service offers a wide variety of options. Encouraging users to explore can increase engagement and participation.

28. CrossFit – “Find a Gym”

CrossFit’s CTA helps users locate their nearest gym, facilitating the first step towards joining the CrossFit community.

This approach is practical and action-oriented, catering to motivated individuals ready to dive into the CrossFit experience.

Action Point: Make it easy for potential members to find your locations. A CTA that simplifies this process can be a determined factor for someone ready to start.

29. PureGym – “Join Today”

PureGym’s “Join Today” CTA is uncomplicated and direct, perfectly aligning with their no-frills approach to a gym membership.

It appeals to individuals seeking straightforward access to fitness facilities without the hassle of long-term contracts or high fees.

Action Point: For gyms or fitness centers focusing on ease of access and simplicity, ensure your CTAs reflect this by being clear and to the point. This aligns the user’s experience from browsing to membership.

CTA Button Examples in Marketing Agencies and Consulting Firms

30. Neil Patel Digital – “Get a Free Consultation”

“Get a Free Consultation” showcases a compelling CTA that effectively uses action phrases to encourage users to engage with their digital marketing expertise.

This CTA is a great example of how offering free proposals can be a powerful lead generation tool within marketing campaigns.

Action Point: Consider implementing a Free Proposal CTA on your landing pages

Must Read: 15 Proven Strategies To Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate. This approach not only appeals to the target audience’s desire for customized solutions but also sets the stage for direct engagement, potentially increasing your conversion rate.

31. Ogilvy – “See Our Work”

Ogilvy’s CTA invites visitors to explore its portfolio of creative campaigns and success stories.

This is an excellent strategy for showcasing the agency’s capabilities and achievements and building trust and credibility by demonstrating its impact on other brands.

Action Point: Use a CTA like “See Our Work” to highlight your agency’s great examples of success. Showcasing past achievements can inspire action among prospective customers, improving your lead generation strategy.

Related: 30 Lead Generation CTA Examples To Learn From in 2024

33. Deloitte Digital – “Explore Our Solutions”

Deloitte Digital uses this CTA to guide visitors through its comprehensive range of digital solutions.

It’s an invitation to understand the width and depth of their services, which are customized to businesses looking for extensive digital solutions.

Action Point: For firms offering a wide array of solutions, encourage potential clients to explore the full range of services. A CTA focused on exploration can lead to greater engagement.

33. Wieden+Kennedy – “Join Our Newsletter”

Wieden+Kennedy’s CTA for newsletter sign-up offers industry insights and agency news, providing ongoing value to subscribers.

This approach is effective for building a long-term relationship with your audience and keeping them informed and engaged with your brand.

Action Point: Use newsletter sign-up CTAs to offer continuous value through insights, updates, and industry news. It’s a strategy that nurtures a lasting connection with your audience.

34. SapientRazorfish – “Explore Services”

This CTA invites users to dig into SapientRazorfish’s digital marketing services.

It’s customized for visitors seeking comprehensive solutions, guiding them through the agency’s expertise in reshaping businesses.

Action Point: Highlight the investigative nature of your service offerings with a CTA that encourages deep dives into what makes your firm unique.

35. PwC Digital Services – “Contact Us”

PwC Digital Services opts for a direct approach, inviting potential clients to start a conversation about business solutions.

This CTA is a call to action that prioritizes personal interaction, setting the stage for customized discussions and solution development.

Action Point: Encourage direct communication through your CTAs, especially if your services require customized solutions. It’s an effective way to begin a consultative relationship.

36. Dentsu Aegis Network – “Discover Our Brands”

This CTA encourages the exploration of Dentsu Aegis Network’s diverse range of marketing expertise across its brands.

It’s designed for potential clients interested in a holistic approach to marketing and highlights the network’s comprehensive capabilities.

Action Point: When your organization includes multiple brands or services, use CTAs that guide visitors to discover the full range of your offerings.

37. Publicis Sapient – “Read Our Insights”

Publicis Sapient’s CTA offers access to thought leadership and research, establishing the firm as a leader in industry knowledge.

It’s an effective way to engage visitors by providing value through insightful content, positioning the agency as an authoritative source.

Action Point: Offer valuable content through your CTAs, such as industry insights or research findings, to establish your firm’s expertise and thought leadership.

38. Accenture Interactive – “Learn More About Our Approach”

Accenture Interactive’s CTA provides insight into its methodology for business consulting.

This approach appeals to businesses looking for a partner with a clear and effective strategy, inviting them to understand how Accenture can address their challenges.

Action Point: Use CTAs to invite potential clients to learn about your unique approach or methodology. This is a way to differentiate your firm by showcasing your strategic thinking.

39. R/GA – “See Case Studies”

R/GA focuses on demonstrating their problem-solving capabilities through case studies.

This CTA is a direct invitation to see the results they’ve achieved for clients, leveraging the power of storytelling to illustrate their expertise and success.

Action Point: Leverage case studies in your CTAs to highlight your successes and the specific challenges you’ve overcome. It’s a persuasive tool for showcasing your expertise and the tangible results you deliver.

CTA Examples in Non-Profit Organizations

40. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – “Donate Now”

WWF’s “Donate Now” CTA is a direct appeal for financial support, highlighting the urgency of environmental conservation efforts.

It’s designed to evoke an immediate response, leveraging the emotional connection people have with nature and wildlife.

Action Point: When seeking donations, highlight the urgency and importance of the cause. A direct and compelling “Donate Now” CTA can significantly increase the likelihood of immediate support.

41. Red Cross – “Volunteer Your Time”

The Red Cross uses this CTA to attract volunteers, highlighting the impactful role individuals can play in humanitarian efforts.

It’s an invitation to join a global movement of assist and compassion, attractive to the desire to make a difference.

Action Point: For volunteer recruitment, highlight the personal impact and community benefit of volunteering. An inviting CTA can encourage people to contribute their time and skills.

42. – “Sign Our Petition”

“Sign Our Petition” from is a straightforward CTA that leverages the power of collective action.

It’s designed for ease of participation, allowing users to support various causes with just a few clicks.

Action Point: Use simple and direct CTAs for actions like petition signing to lower barriers to participation. Highlighting the ease of action can lead to higher engagement.

43. UNICEF – “Subscribe for Updates”

UNICEF’s CTA for updates offers a way for supporters to stay informed on children’s welfare initiatives.

It’s an effective strategy for building a long-term relationship with supporters, keeping them engaged with ongoing efforts and successes.

Action Point: Use CTAs that invite users to stay connected through updates or newsletters. This nurtures supporter engagement by keeping them informed and involved.

44. Greenpeace – “Join the Movement”

Greenpeace’s “Join the Movement” CTA is a powerful call to action, inviting individuals to participate in global environmental campaigns.

It highlights collective action and community, attractive to those passionate about environmental advocacy.

Action Point: When encouraging participation in campaigns, focus on the community and movement aspect. A CTA that invites joining a larger cause can inspire action and unity.

45. Habitat for Humanity – “Donate Now”

Habitat for Humanity’s CTA underscores the critical need for donations in supporting affordable housing projects.

It connects potential donors with the tangible outcomes of their contributions, making the act of donating more meaningful.

Action Point: Connect your donation CTAs with specific outcomes or projects. Showing potential donors the direct impact of their contribution can motivate them to take action.

46. Amnesty International – “Take Action”

Amnesty International uses this broad CTA to engage users in various human rights campaigns.

It invites them to participate in meaningful actions, from signing petitions to attending events, empowering individuals to contribute to global change.

Action Point: In your CTAs, offer a range of action opportunities to appeal to different levels of commitment and interest. Providing options can increase engagement across a wider audience.

47. Doctors Without Borders – “Donate Now”

This CTA highlights the urgent need for financial support to assist medical interventions in crisis areas.

It appeals to the humanitarian instinct, urging immediate action to save lives and reduce suffering.

Action Point: For urgent causes, make the immediacy and necessity of support clear in your CTAs. An emphatic “Donate Now” can motivate swift contributions.

48. The Nature Conservancy – “Adopt an Animal”

The symbolic animal adoption program is a unique approach to fundraising.

It offers a personal connection to conservation efforts.

This CTA combines the appeal of helping wildlife with the satisfaction of a symbolic adoption, improving donor engagement.

Action Point: Use creative CTAs that offer a personal or emotional connection to the cause. Symbolic actions like “Adopt an Animal” can make donating feel more personal and rewarding.

49. Oxfam – “Support Our Work”

Oxfam’s CTA is a general appeal for support, inviting contributions towards fighting global poverty.

It’s broad yet effective, as it includes financial donations, volunteer work, and advocacy, providing multiple pathways for engagement.

Action Point: For broader appeals, use CTAs that encapsulate various forms of support. Providing multiple ways to engage can attract a wider range of supporters.

Call to Action Examples in Education Institutions

50. Harvard University – “Apply Now”

Harvard University’s “Apply Now” CTA is a direct invitation for prospective students to take the first step toward joining one of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions.

This CTA is designed to motivate action by highlighting the exclusivity and value of a Harvard education.

Action Point: Make the application process as straightforward as possible for prospective students. Use clear, action-oriented CTAs that encourage them to start their application journey with confidence.

51. MIT OpenCourseWare – “Download Course Materials”

MIT OpenCourseWare offers free course materials online, and its “Download Course Materials” CTA provides direct access to a wealth of knowledge.

This approach supports MIT’s mission to spread knowledge and education globally, making high-quality resources accessible to all.

Action Point: Highlight the availability and ease of access to your educational resources. A clear CTA that guides users to download materials can improve the reach and impact of your offerings.

52. Stanford Online – “Enroll in Courses”

Stanford Online’s “Enroll in Courses” CTA opens the door to high-quality education from Stanford University, available to learners worldwide.

This CTA highlights the opportunity for advancement and learning, regardless of the user’s location.

Action Point: For online course platforms, highlight the ease of enrollment and the breadth of available courses. A straightforward enrollment CTA can significantly increase student engagement and participation.

53. Coursera – “Join for Free”

Coursera’s “Join for Free” CTA highlights the platform’s accessibility.

It offers learners worldwide the chance to access courses from top universities at no initial cost.

This CTA is particularly effective in lowering barriers to education.

Action Point: Leverage the appeal of free access to attract users to your platform. A “Join for Free” CTA can be a powerful tool to increase sign-ups and participation.

54. Udacity – “Enroll Now”

Udacity focuses on tech-related courses and uses the “Enroll Now” CTA to draw attention to its industry-relevant programs.

This CTA is aimed at individuals looking to gain skills that are in high demand in the job market.

Action Point: For platforms offering specialized courses, highlight the direct path to enrollment and the practical benefits of the programs. Also, highlight how the courses align with industry needs.

55. edX – “Register Today”

edX’s “Register Today” CTA invites learners to join a community of online learners accessing courses from prestigious institutions like Harvard and MIT.

This CTA promotes immediate action, tapping into the user’s desire for continuous learning and development.

Action Point: Encourage prompt registration by highlighting the prestige of the institutions and the wide range of courses available. Make the value of joining your educational community clear.

56. Princeton University – “Explore Our Programs”

Princeton University’s CTA encourages potential students to delve into the details of its various undergraduate and graduate programs.

It’s designed to provide a pathway for discovering the depth and breadth of educational opportunities available at Princeton.

Action Point: Use CTAs that guide prospective students through the exploration of academic programs. A focus on discovery can help users find the path that best suits their academic and career goals.

57. Codecademy – “Start Coding Now”

Codecademy’s “Start Coding Now” CTA invites users to dive into the world of coding through an interactive learning platform.

This CTA appeals to individuals eager to learn coding skills in a hands-on, practical way, emphasizing the immediate start.

Action Point: For platforms offering skill-based learning, highlighting the immediate start and practical nature of the courses. A direct and action-oriented CTA can attract those ready to learn by doing.

Call to Action Examples in Real Estate

58. Zillow – “See Home Details”

Zillow’s “See Home Details” CTA allows users to explore property listings, providing extensive information on homes for sale or rent.

This approach caters to the buyer’s or renter’s desire for comprehensive details before making a decision, improving the user experience by offering immediate access to in-depth information.

Action Point: Prioritize clear, informative CTAs in your listings. Providing detailed information upfront can significantly improve user engagement and satisfaction.

59. – “Schedule a Tour” enables potential buyers to book property viewings directly from their platform, simplifying the process of moving from interest to action.

This CTA leverages convenience to improve the user experience, making it easier for users to take the next step towards homeownership.

Action Point: Facilitate direct actions that advance the buying process, like scheduling tours. A seamless process encourages users to engage more deeply with your listings.

60. Redfin – “Make an Offer”

Redfin’s “Make an Offer” CTA is a direct call to action for users ready to take a significant step in the purchasing process.

This feature streamlines the offer-making process, making it more accessible and less intimidating for potential buyers.

Action Point: Implement CTAs that simplify complex actions, such as making an offer. Ensuring a straightforward, user-friendly process can increase conversions.

61. Trulia – “Explore Neighborhoods”

Trulia offers insights into neighborhoods, schools, and local facilities, helping users make informed decisions about where they want to live.

Their “Explore Neighborhoods” CTA encourages users to look beyond individual listings and consider the broader community context.

Action Point: Use CTAs to encourage users to investigate and understand the wider community aspects of their potential new home. Providing comprehensive neighborhood information can differentiate your platform from competitors.

62. Century 21 – “Contact an Agent”

Century 21’s CTA connects users directly with real estate agents, facilitating a personal touch in the property search and buying process.

This approach highlights the value of professional guidance and support, improving trust and confidence among users.

Action Point: Ensure easy access to professional support through your platform. A CTA that connects users with agents can help demystify the buying process and build relationships.

63. Coldwell Banker – “View Listings”

Coldwell Banker offers straightforward access to its wide array of residential and commercial property listings with a simple “View Listings” CTA.

This direct approach helps users quickly dive into searching for their next home or investment, focusing on ease of access and user convenience.

Action Point: Keep navigation simple and direct with CTAs that lead users straight to listings. Efficiency in search and discovery is key to retaining user interest.

64. Sotheby’s International Realty – “Discover Luxury Homes”

Sotheby’s International Realty specializes in high-end real estate, and their “Discover Luxury Homes” CTA invites users to explore exclusive listings.

This CTA appeals to the luxury market segment, offering an enticing glimpse into the world of high-end properties.

Action Point: Customize your CTAs to your target market segment. For luxury listings, emphasize discovery and exclusivity to attract the right audience.

65. LoopNet – “Find Commercial Real Estate”

LoopNet focuses on commercial properties, and their “Find Commercial Real Estate” CTA is a straightforward pathway for users to access listings.

This approach is customized to the needs of business clients, streamlining the search for commercial spaces.

Action Point: Customize your CTAs to fit the specific needs of your audience. For commercial real estate, clarity and directness in the search process are crucial.

66. HomeFinder – “Search Homes”

HomeFinder’s user-friendly interface and “Search Homes” CTA makes it easy for users to start their property search.

This approach prioritizes user experience, simplifying the initial steps of finding a home for sale or rent.

Action Point: Optimize the search experience with clear, user-friendly CTAs. An uncomplicated start to the property search can engage users right from the beginning.

67. – “Find Your Next Apartment” specializes in rental listings, and their “Find Your Next Apartment” CTA is designed to guide users directly to available apartments.

This CTA caters to the needs of renters, emphasizing ease and specificity in the apartment search process.

Action Point: Focus on specific actions your target audience is looking to take, such as finding an apartment. A targeted CTA can streamline the user journey and improve the overall search experience.

Call to Action Examples in SaaS

68. Salesforce – “Try for Free”

Salesforce’s “Try for Free” CTA persuasively invites businesses to experience their CRM platform without any upfront cost.

It lowers the barrier for new users to explore the platform’s features, fostering trust and demonstrating value before any financial commitment is made.

Action Point: Offer a free trial period to allow potential customers to explore your service’s full capabilities. Ensure the trial access is easy to start with a clear, inviting CTA.

69. Slack – “Get Started”

Slack’s “Get Started” CTA simplifies the process of adopting their communication tool for teams.

This approach is effective because it suggests a quick and easy setup, appealing to businesses looking to improve team collaboration without delay.

Action Point: Use straightforward language in your CTA to attract users looking for solutions that can be implemented quickly and without hassle.

70. Zoom – “Sign Up for Free”

Zoom invites users to join their platform with a “Sign Up for Free” CTA, highlighting the no-cost entry to their video conferencing tool.

This strategy is particularly appealing in a world where virtual meetings have become a norm, attracting individuals and businesses alike to try the service.

Action Point: To attract users, highlight the free aspect of your sign-up process. Clear and direct CTAs can significantly increase user registrations.

71. Shopify – “Start Free Trial”

Shopify’s “Start Free Trial” CTA invites entrepreneurs to test drive its e-commerce platform.

This offer is key to attracting users who are considering launching or expanding their online stores.

It provides a risk-free way to explore Shopify’s features.

Action Point: Ensure that your free trial CTA clearly communicates the value and potential impact your platform can have on the user’s business. This clarity can convert hesitant prospects into active users.

72. Dropbox – “Get Dropbox Free”

Dropbox offers a “Get Dropbox Free” CTA, highlighting the free storage space available for new users.

This strategy effectively attracts users by offering immediate value, catering to the need for cloud storage solutions.

Action Point: Promote your free tier with a clear CTA, focusing on the immediate benefits users will gain upon signing up.

73. Trello – “Sign Up – It’s Free”

Trello’s “Sign Up – It’s Free” CTA makes starting with their collaboration tool an easy decision.

It emphasizes the tool’s no-cost entry point, appealing to users looking for an organizational solution without initial investment.

Action Point: Use a no-obligation, free sign-up CTA to encourage users to explore your tool’s features and benefits without the pressure of immediate payment.

74. Mailchimp – “Sign Up Free”

Mailchimp’s “Sign Up Free” CTA allows users to begin using their email marketing service for free.

This approach is designed to attract small businesses and independent creators who are exploring email marketing solutions.

Action Point: Clearly communicate the value and capabilities available in your free tier. This can help new users understand the potential impact on their marketing efforts, encouraging sign-up and long-term engagement.

Best Practices for Crafting Compelling CTAs

Crafting a compelling Call to Action is an art that combines psychology, design, and concise messaging to motivate your audience to take the desired action.

Here’s a general overview of best practices for creating CTAs that capture attention and convert it into action.

Writing a Compelling Call to Action

Use Action-Oriented Language: Your CTA should start with a verb that compels action, such as “Download,” “Subscribe,” “Join,” or “Start.”

This direct approach leaves no uncertainty about what the user is expected to do next.

Make the CTA Stand Out Visually: Your CTA should be impossible to miss. Use colors that contrast with the rest of your page to ensure it pops.

Additionally, ample white space around your CTA can help draw the eye directly to it.

Designing for Your Audience

Choosing the Right Colors: The color of your CTA button can evoke different emotional responses.

For example, orange is often associated with enthusiasm and action, while blue can convey trust and security.

Consider your brand and the action you want users to take when selecting a color.

Placement is Key: The placement of your CTA can significantly affect its visibility and click-through rate.

Common wisdom suggests placing your CTA above the fold (the portion of the webpage visible without scrolling) to ensure it’s seen immediately.

The top left corner can also be effective due to natural reading patterns.

Size Matters: The size of your CTA should be large enough to be noticeable but not so large that it overwhelms the rest of your content. It should be proportionate to its surrounding elements while still standing out as the clear next step for the user.

Adding Secondary CTAs

Secondary CTAs play a crucial role in guiding users who may not be ready to commit to the primary action.

Here’s how to Add them effectively:

Complementary, Not Competing: Your secondary CTA should complement the primary action and offer an alternative that keeps users engaged without detracting from the main goal.

For example, if your primary CTA is “Buy Now,” a secondary CTA could be “Learn More” about the product.

Visual Distinction: Make your secondary CTA less visually prominent than the primary one.

This can be achieved by using a less vibrant color, a smaller size, or a simpler design (such as a link instead of a button).

Strategic Placement: Place your secondary CTA close to the primary CTA, but ensure there’s enough differentiation that users clearly understand it as a secondary option.

This placement supports the user’s decision-making process by providing an alternative path without leading them away from the conversion funnel.

Optimizing CTAs for Different Platforms

Optimizing Calls to Action for different platforms is crucial because each platform engages your audience in unique ways, under varying contexts, and with different expectations.

Here’s how to customize your CTAs for optimal engagement across key platforms:

Landing Pages

Clarity and Conciseness: Landing page CTAs need to be incredibly clear and direct, as you often have only one shot at converting visitors.

The language should leave no doubt about what will happen when users click.

Prominence: Design your landing page so the CTA is the focal point.

Use size, color, and placement to ensure it stands out.

The CTA should be above the fold to catch immediate attention without scrolling.

Single Objective: Use a single call to action to avoid confusing your audience.

Related: 12 CTA Mistakes to Avoid That 90% of Marketers Make

Multiple CTAs can dilute the message and reduce conversion rates.

Social Media Platforms

Engagement-Driven: CTAs on social media should encourage interaction (e.g., “Share your thoughts in the comments,” “Tag a friend who needs to see this”).

The goal is often to increase reach and engagement rather than direct conversions.

Visual Elements: Use images, emojis, and videos to make your CTA stand out in a crowded feed.

Visual cues can significantly increase its visibility and attractiveness.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Personalization: Tailor your CTA based on the recipient’s previous interactions with your brand.

Personalized CTAs have a higher chance of resonating with the audience and driving action.

Clear Value Proposition: Your email should clearly articulate the value of clicking through the CTA.

Whether it’s accessing exclusive content or receiving a discount, make the benefit clear.

Test and Optimize: Use A/B testing for your email Call to Action examples to see what language, colors, and positioning work best.

Email campaigns provide a great opportunity to refine your approach based on direct feedback.

Product Pages

Descriptive CTAs: Instead of generic “Buy Now” buttons, consider more descriptive CTAs that include the product name or a specific benefit (e.g., “Get Your Customized Skincare Routine”).

Highlight Benefits: Use the space around your CTA to briefly reiterate key benefits or features of the product that make it a must-have.

Secondary CTAs: Consider secondary Call to Action examples like “Add to Wishlist” or “Share with Friends” for visitors who might not be ready to purchase immediately.

This keeps them engaged and increases the chances of a future conversion.


In conclusion, the diverse array of Call to Action examples across various sectors—from eCommerce and online coaching to SaaS platforms and non-profit organizations—underscores the pivotal role CTAs play in guiding user engagement and driving conversions.

Whether encouraging a prospective student to “Apply Now,” a shopper to “Add to Cart,” or a supporter to “Donate Now,” each CTA is carefully crafted to draw a specific action customized to the audience’s needs and the platform’s objectives.

Implementing these proven CTA strategies, highlighted by real-world examples, can lead to significant improvements in your conversion rates.

Start experimenting with these insights to refine your CTAs, recognizing the nuanced approach required to captivate and convert your unique audience effectively.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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