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How to add Twitter Posts on website

Have you ever envisioned bringing the dynamic conversations of Twitter directly to your website? Today, we’re about to unveil the magic behind seamlessly integrating Twitter posts into your web space. This isn’t just about trends; it’s about enhancing your website’s engagement, creating a digital dialogue, and keeping your platform dynamic. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the ideal method for this – WiserNotify.

Why Incorporate Twitter Posts on Your Website

Integrating Twitter posts isn’t just a social media trend; it’s a strategic move to boost your website’s engagement. It’s akin to opening a window to the buzzing world of Twitter right on your website, injecting vitality, fostering trust, and encouraging meaningful user interaction.

  • Elevate your website’s visual appeal.
  • Cultivate trust with authentic user-generated content.
  • Boost user interaction, maintaining a dynamic and engaging site.

Why WiserNotify Stands Out for Twitter Integration

When it comes to seamlessly integrating Twitter posts, WiserNotify takes the spotlight. Why settle for the ordinary when you can have the extraordinary? WiserNotify brings forth distinctive features and advantages that turn the integration process into a breeze.

Benefits of WiserNotify for Twitter Integration

  • Effortless integration with Twitter posts.
  • Enhanced user experience.
  • Success stories from satisfied clients.
  • Zero impact on your website’s speed.
  • Kickstart with a free plan.
  • Compatible with any type of website.
  • Effective methods to showcase Twitter posts on your website.
  • Automatic retrieval of Twitter posts.
  • Real-time live chat support.
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Finding Best Social Proof App For Your Business?

Try WiserNotify and build your website’s trust and credibility.

How to Add Twitter Posts Using WiserNotify

Let’s embark on the journey of seamlessly adding Twitter posts to your website using WiserNotify. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring it’s user-friendly and accessible for everyone.

Step 1: Install pixel code on your website. Paste it in your website’s <head></head> tag. It’s the best place to add pixel code.

adding Pixel code WiserNotify

Step 2: To add the Twitter feed on the website you need to add the “Social Wall”.

add social wall

Step 3: Now find the “Twitter Feed” and click on the “Add Wall” button.

connect twitter feed

Step 4: Now connect the Twitter with the Social Wall.

Go to the Data Source tab and click on “Add integration”. Then select the “Twitter” option and log in to your Twitter account.

Click on “Add Integration”

add RSS Feed integration

Select “Twitter” Integration

select twitter as data source

Log in to the Twitter account

login into twitter

Step 5: After authentication add a Username or HashTag, and apply filter as per your choice.

Add Username or HashTag

add username or hashtag

Apply filters for posts

apply twitter fillters

Step 6: Go back and select Twitter Post as a Data Source.

select twitter post in data source

Step 7: Add your Widget Code to your website.

Copy the Widget code and paste it into your website HTML, on the page where you want to display the Social Wall.

Get your wall snippet code

get widget code of social wall

Copy the Widget code

get your snippet code


Integrating Twitter posts into your website breathes a new and exhilarating dimension into your online presence. WiserNotify is your go-to companion for this journey, offering simplicity, customization, and real-time updates. Seize this opportunity to elevate your website with WiserNotify.

This concludes the guide on adding Twitter posts to your website. Embrace the power of WiserNotify and create a dynamic online space with Twitter seamlessly woven into your web narrative.


Absolutely! WiserNotify is designed to seamlessly integrate various Twitter post formats, including tweets, retweets, and media content. Whether you want to showcase the latest conversations, share engaging visuals, or highlight retweeted content, WiserNotify provides a versatile solution tailored to your Twitter integration needs.

Yes, indeed! WiserNotify offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the display of Twitter posts to align with your brand’s unique aesthetic. From color schemes to layout choices, you have the flexibility to ensure that the integrated Twitter content seamlessly blends with the overall design and feel of your website.

WiserNotify employs advanced technology to ensure real-time synchronization of Twitter posts with your website. Our system continuously monitors and updates the integrated content, ensuring that your audience receives the latest and most relevant Twitter posts without any delay. Experience the dynamic nature of Twitter seamlessly integrated into your web space.

Security is our top priority. WiserNotify ensures the privacy and security of your Twitter integration by following industry best practices. Your Twitter account information is encrypted, and we maintain stringent access controls. Rest assured that your data is handled with the utmost care, providing a secure and reliable integration experience for showcasing Twitter posts on your website.

Absolutely! WiserNotify prioritizes a seamless user experience across devices. Our platform provides responsive design options for Twitter post integration, ensuring that the displayed content adapts beautifully to different screen sizes. Whether your audience is accessing your website from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, WiserNotify guarantees an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly presentation of integrated Twitter posts.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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