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15 Product Recommendation Software That Actually Work

It takes more than great products and an excellent website to stand out. Personalized product recommendations have become a game changer for customer satisfaction and sales.

Using data-driven insights and AI algorithms recommendation software can help you create product recommendations that resonate with your customers.

In this article, we’ll examine 15 of the best product recommendation software solutions of 2024.

These tools offer everything from simple rule-based recommendations to complex machine-learning algorithms. Whether you’re a small online store or a large enterprise, there’s a solution for you.


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Benefits of Product Recommendation Tools

➠ Boost sales: By showing people relevant products they’re more likely to want, you can increase sales and average order value.

➠ Improve customer experience: Personalized shopping experiences make customers feel valued, leading to more repeat business.

➠ Drive more website visitors: Recommending trending products or items similar to what a user is already viewing can keep them engaged and exploring your site longer.

How it works:

Product recommendation engines use a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques like collaborative filtering and deep learning to understand customer behavior and preferences.

This allows them to deliver accurate and relevant recommendations in real-time across your entire customer journey, whether it’s on your homepage, product pages, or even in post-purchase emails.

Tips for Effective Use:

➥ Gather and use customer data: The more you know about your customers – their purchase history, browsing behavior, demographics, etc. – the better your recommendations will be.

➥ Implement recommendations across your ecommerce platform: Include product suggestions on your homepage, category pages, product pages, shopping cart, and even in post-purchase communications.

➥ Use different recommendation strategies: Experiment with different types of recommendations, such as “Customers who bought this also bought…”, “Trending products”, or “Personalized picks for you”.

➥ Test and optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your recommendations and make adjustments to improve results.

Top Product Recommendation Software Tools



Wisepops is a powerful product recommendation software for ecommerce platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce.

Its user-friendly interface makes creating and customizing product recommendations easy to enhance your online store’s sales.

Key Features:

👉 Easy to use, especially for beginners

👉 Affordable pricing

👉 Seamlessly integrates with popular eCommerce platforms like Shopify and Big Commerce

👉 Creates various recommendation boxes (related items, trending products, etc.)


  • Easy to use, ideal for beginners.
  • Affordable pricing plans.
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular ecommerce platforms.
  • Limited feature set compared to some competitors.
  • It only supports Shopify and BigCommerce.



Wisepops offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting at $149 monthly.


An AI-powered product suggestion tool, Nosto, can help you create highly relevant and interesting shopping experiences.

By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, This is analyzes customer data to provide personalized product suggestions tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.

Key Features:

👉 AI-powered for highly relevant and engaging recommendations

👉 Personalizes across website, email, mobile apps, and social media

👉 Real-time adaptation based on browsing behavior

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Highly customizable and scalable.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning capabilities.
  • Delivers real-time personalization for a superior customer experience.
  • Steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.
  • Pricing can be higher than some competitors.



Nosto offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.


One of the best omnichannel marketing platforms is Emarsys, which has strong product suggestion features.

With AI-powered technology and deep integration with various marketing channels, Emarsys helps businesses deliver highly personalized and relevant product suggestions to their customers.

Key Features:

👉 Omnichannel marketing platform with strong product suggestions

👉 AI-powered with deep integration across marketing channels

👉 Creates a 360-degree view of the customer

👉 Real-time, personalized recommendations


  • The comprehensive suite of marketing tools under one roof.
  • Powerful AI and machine learning capabilities.
  • Omnichannel personalization for a seamless customer experience.
  • Pricing can be high for companies solely interested in product recommendations.
  • It is a relatively complex platform with a learning curve.



Emarsys offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.


Clerk is more than just a product recommendation tool; it’s a comprehensive customer data platform (CDP) designed to deliver personalized experiences across your customer journey.

This is leverages AI-powered algorithms to gather and analyze massive amounts of client data in order to deliver incredibly relevant product recommendations.

Key Feature

👉 Comprehensive customer data platform (CDP)

👉 AI-powered for personalized recommendations

👉 Builds customer loyalty with rewards and incentives

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Comprehensive customer data platform with product recommendations.
  • Customer  loyaltyprogram  features.
  • Strong focus on delivering a seamless customer experience.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • The learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



Clerk offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.-119


This is a search and recommendation engine designed for ecommerce stores.

It offers advanced search capabilities and personalized product recommendations to enhance the customer shopping experience.

Key Features:

👉 Advanced search and recommendation engine

👉 Provides relevant search results even with errors

👉 Tailored product recommendations

👉 Easy management of product listings and categories


  • Advanced search capabilities for a better customer experience.
  • Strong focus on merchandising control.
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular ecommerce platforms.
  • Primarily focused on search and recommendation, with limited features for broader personalization.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.



From $649 per Month

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One of the capabilities of the customization platform Monetate is the ability to recommend products. This allows companies to provide individualized experiences for customers throughout the process.

As a leader in real-time personalization is leverages AI and machine learning to deliver highly relevant product recommendations that drive customer engagement and boost sales.

Key Features:

👉 Personalization platform for individualized experiences

👉 Real-time personalization with AI and machine learning

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing

👉 Integrates with your existing marketing tech stack


    • Powerful real-time personalization capabilities.
    • Advanced AI and machine learning features.
  • Flexible integration options.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • Steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



Monetate offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.


Elevate your ecommerce business with LimeSpot’s intelligent product recommendations.

As a leading recommendation engine, This is utilizes advanced AI algorithms to deliver personalized suggestions that drive customer engagement and boost sales.

Key Features:

👉 Intelligent product recommendations with AI

👉 Easy management of product listings

👉 Performance tracking and optimization

👉 Seamless integration with eCommerce platforms and tools


  • Strong focus on product recommendations.
  • Merchandising control for optimization.
  • Integrates seamlessly with various platforms.
  • Limited features for broader personalization beyond product recommendations.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.



From $18 per Month


Leading customization platform, Qubit enables companies to provide customers with individualized experiences.

With its advanced AI capabilities, Qubit enables you to create highly relevant product recommendations, targeted content, and personalized offers that drive engagement and conversions.

Key Features:

👉 Advanced AI for relevant product recommendations, targeted content, and offers

👉 Real-time personalization

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing

👉 Flexible integration options


  • Powerful real-time personalization capabilities.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning features.
  • Flexible integration options.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • Steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



Qubit offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.


Bloomreach is more than just a product recommendation tool; it’s a comprehensive digital commerce platform designed to elevate your online store.

With its powerful features and integrations, Bloomreach empowers you to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive sustainable growth.

Key Features:

👉 Comprehensive digital commerce platform

👉 Personalized product suggestions

👉 Manages website content and design

👉 Merchandising control for optimization


  • Comprehensive digital commerce platform with product recommendations.
  • Merchandising control for optimization.
  • Personalization capabilities beyond product recommendations.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.
  • Steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



Bloomreach offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.

#10.Dynamic Yield

Elevate your online store with Dynamic Yield’s powerful personalization platform.

Deliver highly targeted product recommendations, personalized content, and dynamic website experiences to drive customer engagement and boost conversions.

Also read: 50 Tested Conversion Optimization Tools to Boost Sales

Key Features:

👉 Powerful personalization platform

👉 Highly targeted product recommendations, content, and website experiences

👉 Real-time personalization

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Powerful real-time personalization capabilities.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning features.
  • Flexible integration options.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • Steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



Dynamic Yield offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.

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Recombee is a recommendation engine that specializes in delivering accurate and personalized product suggestions.

It leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning to provide relevant recommendations to customers.

Key Features:

👉 Specializes in accurate and personalized recommendations

👉 Combines various algorithms for accuracy

👉 Real-time personalization

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Advanced algorithms for accurate recommendations.
  • Real-time personalization for a superior customer experience.
  • Integrates seamlessly with various platforms.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.
  • Steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.



From $99 per Month



That is a popup and notification software that also offers product recommendation capabilities. It enables you to capture leads and engage customers with personalized recommendations.

As a versatile tool, OptiMonk offers a range of features to capture leads, promote products, and deliver personalized recommendations.

Key Features:

👉 Popup and notification software with product recommendations

👉 Creates targeted popups and notifications

👉 Personalized suggestions within popups

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Powerful popup and notification features.
  • Product recommendation capabilities.
  • Integrates seamlessly with various platforms.
  • Focus primarily on popups and notifications, with limited features for broader personalization.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.



OptiMonk offers custom pricing plans based on your specific needs.

A novel method of consumer interaction is provided by

This versatile platform empowers you to create interactive content experiences like quizzes, polls, and calculators, all with the ability to seamlessly integrate product recommendations.

Key Features:

👉 Creates interactive content (quizzes, polls, calculators)

👉 Integrates recommendations into interactive content

👉 In-depth analytics

👉  Seamless integrations


  • Versatile platform for creating interactive content.
  • Product recommendation capabilities within interactive experiences.
  • Integrates seamlessly with various platforms.
  • Focus primarily on interactive content creation, with limited features for broader personalization.
  • Pricing can be higher for smaller businesses.


From $29 per Month



Product recommendations are among the many options available on the personalization platform Adoric.

Is a powerful personalization platform designed to help you deliver tailored experiences to your customers. With its advanced AI-driven recommendation engine, Adoric can significantly boost your online sales and customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

👉 Personalization platform with AI-driven recommendations

👉 Adapts content and recommendations based on behavior

👉 Real-time personalization

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Powerful real-time personalization capabilities.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning features.
  • Flexible integration options.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • The steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.


From $4 per month

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Personyze is a powerful personalization platform that helps businesses create highly tailored customer experiences.

With its advanced AI and machine learning capabilities, Personyze can deliver personalized product recommendations, content, and offers that resonate with individual preferences and behaviors.

Key Features:

👉 Creates tailored customer experiences

👉 Personalized recommendations, content, and offers

👉 Real-time personalization

👉 In-depth analytics and A/B testing


  • Powerful real-time personalization capabilities.
  • Advanced AI and machine learning features.
  • Flexible integration options.
  • Pricing can be higher compared to some competitors.
  • The steep learning curve for using the platform’s full capabilities.


From $250 per Month

Choosing the Right Product Recommendation Software

Choosing the right product recommendation software can be a daunting task, but by considering the following factors, you can make an informed decision.

Your Specific Needs

What are the essential features you require? Do you need basic recommendations or advanced personalization capabilities?

Do you need in-depth analytics to track the performance of your recommendations?

Does the software integrate with your existing ecommerce platform and marketing tools?

Ease of Use

Choose a tool with a simple interface that you and your team can easily navigate. A complex tool can hinder your ability to get insights quickly.

Integration with Your Existing Tools

Ensure the software seamlessly integrates with your current analytics and marketing platforms to streamline data collection and analysis.


Compare pricing plans of different tools to find one that fits your budget. Consider the value you’ll get from the software’s features and insights.

User Reviews

Read reviews from other users to gain insights into their experience with the software. Look for feedback on ease of use, customer support, and overall value.


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Over to you

We’ve looked at 15 product recommendation tools that will change your online store in 2024. Remember, it’s all about finding the one that suits you and your budget.

By using the right product recommendation software you can create a personalized shopping experience that brings customers back for more.

It’s all about making it easy for them to find products they’ll love which means happier customers and more sales for you.

Try out different tools and strategies until you find what works for your business.

With the right approach you can unlock the full power of product recommendations and take your online store to the next level.


Product recommendation systems use data and algorithms to suggest products users might like, based on their behavior, preferences, and past purchases.

Amazon’s product recommendation engine is a famous example, using algorithms to suggest items based on customers’ past purchases, browsing, and more.

Product recommendation systems help businesses provide personalized product suggestions, increasing customer satisfaction and sales.

Product recommendation systems gather user data like purchase history, browsing behavior, and preferences. Then, they use algorithms to analyze this data, identify patterns, and suggest relevant products to the user.

Picture of Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya
Krunal Vaghasiya is a marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves to keep posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automations, and improving conversion rates.

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